Monday, January 19, 2009

Obamania...observations of a Canadian

I am excited for the USA as they celebrate up to Inauguration Day tomorrow. I have never witnessed this much excitement over a political figure in my lifetime. Obama, of course, represents much more than a political figure to so many. He represents change for the American people, and having emerged from an African/American background he is the epitome of hope for the black community. "Anything is possible in America", he said yesterday. He is an orator and his followers are euphoric. He appears bent on being inclusive of all viewpoints. He has invited Pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration, and Dr. Joseph Lowry, whose views are deeply contrasting to Warren's, will give the benediction. He eats chili dogs at the local Washington eatery. Obama and his wife plan to be very involved with local people within the community in which they live. A man of the people (and the Blackberry), not someone isolated within the walls of the White House. Refreshing.

Americans know how to celebrate. So do Canadians, but we don't spend as much money at it. I have read that the inauguration will cost $100 million (don't know if that includes the pre-celebrations). I think I also read that there might be a recession going on - you know - people unable to pay their mortgages and such. $100 million would have gone a long way to alleviate some big problems. I know that I always have a problem watching the U.S. 4th of July celebrations on the TV as I watch the fireworks....and millions of dollars.....go up in smoke. Surely there are cheaper ways to celebrate - like cut the fireworks to 5-10 minutes and put the savings towards world hunger, or American poverty, or something worthwhile. Absolutely we should celebrate....but somehow the spending of money and celebrity star power always seems most important in the US of A. It's always a big show, Hollywood style and the recession doesn't seemed to have curbed that. But I don't begrudge this celebration - at this time in history it's an important one....and I will admit I don't know where the $100 million is coming from - so if it's all being donated by private individuals and not from government coffers - then all the better.

Ah well. That is my little peeve, but I still consider Americans our wonderful friends and neighbours and I celebrate their 44th President with them. Obama has a huge challenge ahead of him and he's planning to spend an astronomical amount of money. It will be interesting in four years to see how well he has done.

Last night's concert at the Lincoln Memorial began with a convocation by the Right Rev. Gene Robinson who asked the people to pray for "understanding that our president is a human being and not a messiah".

We would all do well to declare (in Canada), "God keep our land, glorious and free", and (in the USA), "In God we trust". If we dare leave it all up to a man, we will be deeply disappointed and with problems much bigger than we can fix without divine intervention.

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