Friday, August 8, 2008

More SCC

I really do listen to other music than just Steven Curtis Chapman's. Really. But bear with me as I share a third blog in a row with his name in it. I have always drawn strength from so many of his lyrics, but I believe so many more people are going to relate to his music now - especially with what he produces in future - with the depth of grief he has experienced.

If you are interested, here are links to interviews he and his family did this week to talk about the grief they have been working through. Have a kleenex handy and listen to one with Good Morning America and the other with Larry King on CNN - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 and Part 6 (Part 6 has the new verse to 'Yours', as in my previous blog).

Monday, August 4, 2008


"I’ve walked the valley of death’s shadow

So deep and dark that I could barely breathe

I’ve had to let go of more than I could bear

And questioned everything that I believe

But still even here in this great darkness

A comfort and hope come breaking through

As I can say in life or death

God we belong to you."

Steven Curtis Chapman - "Yours"

(The above is a brand new verse 4 that has been added to the original song since recently walking through that valley and losing his 5 year old daughter.)