My newspaper met me this morning with an interesting article. A man who lives in a town of 500 (picture that...a little boredom perhaps?) had a lofty dream as a boy to fly in a lawn chair using hellium balloons. I remember reading about him before...this was his third attempt. And this time he succeeded in flying from central Oregon to Idaho. He created quite a stir for all those small town folks.
Myrtle: "Wilbur! What in tarnation is that up in the sky?"
Wilbur: "Land sakes! It's a cotton-pickin' feller in a lawn chair!"
Lofty dreams indeed.
It seems to have been a recurring theme for me in the last few weeks.
The other day I blogged of the challenge of a Sunday sermon. I am still telling myself that "I am a world changer" and trying to get a handle on that. This Sunday our pastor showed a video clip with descriptions of the 12 unlikely guys that Jesus chose to get his message out and help others....fisherman, bribe taker, terrorist, doubter, loud mouth, etc.
In the afternoon I went to watch Rumble perform and the theme of the event was, "Ordinary people doing extraordinary things". Again, God chose a dreamer (Joseph), a bumbling speaker (Moses), a deceiver (Jacob), a shepherd boy (David), and so on.
In the evening, I listened to the Watoto African Childrens Choir. Individual children, who are so amazingly gifted in music and dance, spoke of their lives in Uganda. They have been orphaned by Aids and other tragedies, children raising children because there are no parents. Little hope you would think. Yet they plan to be leaders in their country, each with lofty goals in the midst of insurmountable difficulties. To watch them joyfully dance and sing, "I Am Not Forgotten" is a heart tugging moment.
Ordinary people.
Imperfect people.
Unfortunate people.
With lofty dreams and goals despite incredible odds.
I'm going to go outside and rig up a lawn chair. Or maybe sit in it for a bit until I have a goal with a lot more impact for Myrtle and Wilbur.
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
God knows my name
He knows my name
Light over darkness
Strength over weakness
Joy over sadness
He knows my name
Father to the fatherless
Friend to the friendless
Hope for the hopeless
He knows my name
I will praise You
I will praise You
For I am fearfully and wonderfully made
I am not forgotten
Never forsaken
"I Am Not Forgotten" Israel
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