Where has the 22 years gone since our daughter was born?! I remember agonizing over her turning 4 because she was growing up so fast, and now she has left the teenage years far behind! This year was similar to the year she was born - she arrived on a Monday, the day after Father's Day, making her dad wait a whole year before his first celebration. Yesterday, this little girl whom we released to Toronto 3 years ago (who had always been nervous to board a small city bus), led us (as though she could do it in her sleep, and probably has) through subway stations, on trains, through Union Station and on to the Rogers Centre to watch a rather lacklustre Toronto Blue Jays game. She reminded me on the train..."See Mom. There's other people who stand at the wrong door to get off the subway." ....a subtle reminder of my post of my first subway ride when I wanted to make sure she'd be okay in the big city.
Today I perused my post to her last year entitled, Top Ten Things I Love About My Daughter, and yah, it's still the same. She's still that girl....and more. A year ago, her father and I sat with her in a Toronto restaurant, her eyes growing ever larger as she excitedly poured out the details about a dream her pastor had to build a troupe of kids using their natural talents of rap, dance, singing and break dancing. The whole dream meshed with Bethany's passion to work with kids who have heartbreaking needs, but what a bonus to also travel with them to encourage others to help in the mission! This team would travel with their performances and spread the news of the urban poor and the needs they represent. The pastor had left her with the task of naming this troupe, and so far Bethany wasn't yet content with a name. As we ate, she continued throwing around words. Nothing fit. I don't remember what we were talking about (maybe thunder in the distance??), but she suddenly blurted out 'RUMBLE! Yes!! Rumble!!' And thus Rumble it became, and Rumble they have!
In a few short months the team ballooned larger than they can handle (50!!), practiced in cramped quarters and yet have come up with amazing performances as they are now travelling to various venues with their message. The kids are so pumped for this - it all fits so naturally with what they love to do, and they are experiencing God's amazing love for them in it all. Very cool. The church Bethany belongs to are all about freely giving to people in need - park BBQs, school and Christmas giveaways, etc. - right up her alley. They ask nothing in return, but are rewarded with the friendship of many to whom they have given as they begin connecting with the church family as a result. There are needs everywhere, and Bethany wants to meet as many of them as God provides her opportunity.
And so we are excited with Bethany as she anticipates several new changes and challenges in September. Today we say Happy Birthday Bethany. We are so proud of you and wish you blessings more than you can handle so you can keep on giving them away! We love you!!
Wow, Bethany is 22 today?! Hard to believe that she is that old. (-; How can you stand it? We must get together and look at those old family home movies...
ReplyDeleteSend a very happy birthday to Bethany from all of us here. We all enjoy her in our life and are so thankful for her listening to the call of God. We are truly all blessed by her.
BTW Rumble sounds so cool. What a wonderful ministry!