I love all God's creatures....sort of....but this visitor to our front porch on Christmas night is a stretch for me to....admire.
I thought I'd met all the city-dwelling critters around our place, so this possum was unexpected. He is much larger and fatter than a cat, more like a small raccoon...but ratlike. MUCH too ratlike. SHUDDER! 

To make it worse, he not only ignored the bright porch lights, the frantic dog, and the camera flash on the other side of the window, he actually came up to the window ledge, stood on his hind legs and peered in the window at us! That was downright freaky. Wonder if he unlocks doors?! He really just wanted us to replace the garbage bag full of delectible Christmas leftovers that he had ripped open in that spot just before my husband discovered the mess. So much for the raccoon theory.

I have only ever seen dead possums on the road (or at least they're pretending to be dead...you know they get up later and walk away), and the REALLY dead ones are very dastardly looking. According to my internet research, they hang in trees by their tails and can have a gazillion babies. I admit I was drawn to watching this guy as he lumbered around, not the least bit bothered by us. I suppose I could have stepped out for a really good closeup instead of these poor shots...but, nah.
You know if I'd ditch the birdseed I'd quit getting these visitors I'm sure, but that won't be happening. So after dark now I will be stepping gingerly, with eyes surveying carefully ....and with camera at hand.
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