This picture came to my mind as I was pondering a few things....and not because we now have a possum lurking around our house (shudder!!!).
It's just that we are all travelling a 'road' and we all have those who follow us.
Too many of us (myself included) really don't care at times about the sloppy job we do by example and what we're leaving on the road for those coming up behind. And it stinks.
We're selfish by nature. So at times we do what we please or what feels good without regard for the consequences. We leave a mess...for someone else to step over or clean up and we just don't care. We leave a sloppy example of how not to do it and too often we feel no remorse or need to turn back, make restoration, and continue down the road without making the same mess again.
In case you hadn't noticed, this attitude seems more prevalent these days. NOT MY JOB to be loyal to my wife or husband, family, girlfriend or boyfriend. NOT MY JOB to protect and regard them with dignity, building them up and thinking of them more highly than myself. NOT MY JOB to care about my neighbour and encourage others. NOT MY JOB to look after the poor. I just want to live in MY world, with MY friends, and MY interests. It's all about ME and I don't think I'm really hurting anyone. Funny thing is, this ME stuff actually makes us miserable because we're never satisfied! One day it just might be ME that has to go all the way back to where I messed up, get down on my knees and scrape up the dead stinking possom (gag!), straighten the lines in the road, and begin the journey again.
Oh, we all mess up (especially ME!). And we all need mercy and grace for our screwups (especially ME!). Jesus always took notice of the heart of the humble one - the one who acknowledged he screwed up and needed His forgiveness, and truly wanted to be changed. I guess He knew that down the road, it was the one with the remorseful, willing, servant heart who'd really be getting somewhere....devoted....and joyful in the journey.
"...Look what I've done I've ruined it for everyone
I should've held on harder to my innocence...
I...I'm starting over I...I'm starting over
It's never too late.. It's never too late.. For starting over ..."
Starting Over, By Audio Adrenaline
Thanks for the reminder. Sometime I need to be reminded that it isn't all about ME.