Saturday, September 29, 2007

Remedy - David Crowder Band

If you have ever even remotely enjoyed any of David Crowder's music, not the store and buy his new CD entitled 'Remedy'. In my humble opinion, this is his best CD yet....uplifting and challenging.

"...Here we are
Bandaged and bruised
Awaiting a cure.....
....Here You are
Our beautiful King
Bringing relief....
....You're the remedy....
Let us be the remedy
Let us bring the remedy...."

Remedy, Written by
David Crowder

"...And so we must choose
What our hands will do...

And the problem it seems
Is with you and me
Not the Love who came
To repair everything....

Where there is pain
Let us bring grace
Where there is suffering
Bring serenity
For those afraid
Let us be brave
Where there is misery
Let us bring them relief

And surely we can change
Surely we can change
Oh surely we can change

Surely We Can Change, Written by
David Crowder


  1. yes! i absolutely agree with you...remedy is AMAZING. this is one cd i can listen to over, and over, and over again. the more is listen, the more i like! he describes salvation in such a beautiful way.

  2. Agreed Alexa! Moves me everytime I listen...
