He was surveying the neighbourhood from this unexpected 'perch'. It wasn't his first visit around here. Not long ago we saw him pursuing a squirrel. Being as I'm a songbird and chipmunk lover, I don't want to think about what he enjoys eating. I have to admit he's rather handsome. My research tells me he's probably a Cooper's hawk and I guess over the last few years with the banning of pesticides, these hawks now frequent city neighbourhoods in addition to their country territory. And why not? With crazies like me around who continually fill bird feeders....with backyards and front yards full of rodents and birds.... it's like fine dining for the likes of this creature. I just purchased a finch feeder that accommodates up to 16 finches because there are over a dozen beautiful goldfinches dining at any given time....either on the feeders or on the coneflowers.
Last evening my husband called to me again to grab the camera. This time it was a skunk ambling around the front porch and garden! He paused for a long drink from the birdbath that is at ground level. It was too dark to get a good shot of him....and I wasn't about to go outside to get closer. I was glad I had just brought the dog inside. Now if this hawk was nocturnal and enjoyed skunk souffle, he and I would have an understanding..... (I don't mean that. The skunk was rather adorable).

(Thank you Wikipedia)
My bird and nature watching must be rubbing off on my husband. I mean....for his first reaction to be for me to grab the camera, rather than to run out and chase the hawk off of his 'new' 'precious' car....that surprised me. (He insisted we replace the whole bumper of the car after we recently got rear-ended while driving to a funeral, even though I really didn't notice that much damage to the bumper to warrant all that insurance money.) However, as soon as that hawk glided silently and smoothly off....he was out there inspecting the car for scratches!

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