Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stupid other women drivers

I was laughing hysterically over the Youtube clip below of stupid things women drivers have done... until a couple of scenes admittedly made me wince.

I still have a phobic fear of car washes, even the 'touchless' ones. When my kids were young I was driving a van load of kids home from school and decided that it would be a wonderful, fun experience for them all to take the van through the car wash. Well it was an experience. The car wash was not 'touchless' - you had to lodge your wheels into the ruts in order for the vehicle to be washed. I managed to totally miss the ruts, turned my wheels, and got the van hopelessly...and I mean hopelessly stuck. I could not move it forward or back. I had to sheepishly inform one of the workers that I was completely stuck in the car wash and could not dislodge the van. About 2-3 guys came out and tried rocking it and pushing, even trying to lift it. Nothing. The kids were all laughing. Soon they had to get every single guy that worked at the gas station to come into the car wash. One got in the van while all the rest of them rocked and rolled to get that van out. I was humiliated beyond words. I dared not look outside to see how many had gathered to watch. I hate that 'woman driver' stigma! The men were finally able to dislodge the van. I can't remember if the van actually got washed - I'm sure it didn't. And to this day, I just can't get behind the wheel to drive through a car wash. Some day, I will do it and free myself from my phobia.

The other stupid thing I did once...but not nearly as well as the woman in the clip below does!!! I had observed someone fill up their gas tank using the hose from the other side of the pump when all the others were in use. In my case, I had not been able to pull up far enough to the gas pump because of the guy in front of me. It wouldn't reach my car. I didn't find that out until I had already punched in my debit card information. The guy in front was nowhere near finished. So I got in my car and pulled around to the other side of that particular gas pump to try to pull the same hose through to my car. The debit information had now cleared off the gas pump and my debit card had now slipped below the seat of the car. As I rummaged around for it, I realized how ridiculous this whole scenario would look to anyone watching. I mean I'm punching in numbers on the wrong side of the gas pump. I, of course, could not reach the hose around to my car on this side either, and had to drive the car back to the original spot which was now reachable and I started all over again! Mercifully, I do not yet recognize myself on any Youtube movies. BUT, at least I didn't take a 'ride' with the hose as the lady below for her!

However, her 'ride' does remind me of a tarzan-like swing I took once through the air on a pulley system my husband devised to clean outside chimney pipes.....when I was pregnant. He pulled down.... I went up. I was clinging to the rope, feet dangling too far from the ground and I was left to swing like an ape back and forth over the driveway for the neighbours delight. It was hard to hang on because I was weeping with laughter. Did I mention I was pregnant? What a sight.

Sigh. The good Lord must know I need humility. Enjoy this clip. Watch it right to the end. (Surely at least some of those drivers must be male...)


  1. I would have loved to have been there at the car wash! Too anyway!

    The reason us women drivers drive they way we do is because we have so much on our mind. However, stats show that in actual fact men are worse drivers than women. Men just call "accidents" and "near accidents" "experience". No, it's called getting into and almost getting into a car crash. However, when was the last time you saw a man putting on lipstick or mascara while driving a car? Sharp pointy objects aimed at your eye is not the smartest thing to do while driving!

    That being said, I don't know what was on my mind when I simultaneously damaged both of my parent's vehicles while backing out of the garage... Maybe I shouldn't have been putting on make-up at the same time!


  2. Oh my heavens! That I hate the stereotype aside, what a hilarious video and your stories had me weeping as well. I don't think there's anybody that has escaped the carwash monster nor the crazy "too short" fuel hose. These things happen when we're in a hurry and overly stressed. But I dare say, there is equal gender in this.

    A man most certainly put the video together!

    Enjoyed my visit and thanks for adding my blog to those you follow.
