{ We interrupt this normally peaceful blogplace with an uncharacteristic rant }
I really dislike listening to negative people go on and on about politics and how the government is this and that....and yet here I am...at the end of an election campaign....ranting. I know I'm ridiculous with my pie in the sky wish for politicians to 'get along'. But really, why can't they? Or do they work together well behind the scenes and it just never makes it to the media?? Canadians would agree that politicians need to grow up...and in fact Rick Mercer gave an awesome rant on election night on just this subject. If you missed it, you can watch it here (Page 2, Rick's Rant).
At home, we teach our kids to be polite, to listen and respect other people's opinions. It's rude to yell at others, to interrupt them when they're speaking, to disrespect or dig up rumours and spread them to slander another person.
At work, we are taught team building and conflict resolution skills. We are assured that no idea is ever stupid but has merit and is worthy of consideration. And if there is a problem, you attack the issue, not the person.
So why, with issues so important as to affect our whole country, do we not embrace these skills to solve problems and bring solutions for the good of all Canadians? We entrust our money to politicians. And we trust them to make decisions and implement changes that affect our lives in so many ways. So why are many of them immune from acting like responsible adults, and degrade themselves in the House to everything I would hope they taught their children not to do and be?
I suppose Parliament has always been this way(?). Perhaps politicians view themselves as being 'strong' and nobly fighting for a good cause when they yell and insult each other. But it's really more often about the party and its leader surviving for another term in office, not the long term future for our grand children's children. I would say most Canadians don't care as much about political parties anymore as they do about having a job, food on their table, health care for their families, education, the future of the planet, etc. Is it any wonder many are just apathetic about politicians and trust few, if any of them? (This is NOT to say we should give up, not vote, or not be involved in the process. Apathy is just as bad as the politicians' behaviour.) There are many well meaning, wonderful MPs and MPPs and I commend them for the hard work they do for their constituents, but how frustrating must that job be when you are opposed on all sides in what you wish to achieve?
My pie in the sky political dream came about as I sat and watched the Debate between the leaders of the main parties. Remember that? They all sat around a table together. Check out these images. It may be the last time you see them for a while.

(Is Harper contemplating giving a kiss to Duceppe? Create your own caption.)
So....if those people could be amiable for one evening (although they politely ripped the faces off each other in debate), what could happen if all of them put their ideas on the table and no one lit into the other about how stupid their idea is?

Be ridiculous with me. We're listening to The Debate. The opposition leaders attack Harper, pounding him on his record, calling him a liar, and spouting why their ideas are superior and his will never work. Harper turns and says, "You know Stephane and Elizabeth, you have some excellent ideas in your platform. We may not be able to afford some of them, but I'd like us to take a long look at what you've proposed and see what agreement we can come to. I realize we differ greatly in many areas but at the end of the day we all want Canadians to benefit from this. You've done a great job in detailing what Canadians see as important, your platform is strong, and I'd like to strive to reach a consensus on the more difficult issues on which we disagree. And Jack, I completely agree with the principles you're talking about. I see different ways in achieving those goals and we all know the areas in which we disagree, but I'd like to implement some of what you've proposed, and I'd like you to consider some of my proposals as well. And I think you've been doing an excellent job in this campaign informing the voters of the key issues." Then witness speechless politicians.
Grossly exaggerated but you get the point. But no, it's about winning votes, even if it means slandering the other guy and his ideas. Not about consensus or agreement. At least not on the campaign trail.
Each platform has something salvageable in it for everyone. So why can't politicians lay it all out, pull out all the pieces from each platform that have workable, achievable ideas right now; begin the work toward give-and-take compromise to bring solutions around the table, instead of attacking each other. Yes, there's a party 'in power', but why can't all ideas be respected from all parties and the 'no one is stupid and every idea has merit' principle be in affect? I've always found it interesting when a great political leader dies - all of sudden the opposing leaders, who had so viciously attacked the deceased when they were living, now have the most wonderful things to say about the person. So why not recognize strengths in leaders now while they're living, and utilize them all to build a great country of Canada?
Never mind. How ridiculous! I'm stupid and my idea doesn't have merit.
{ Rant is complete. We now return you to our regularly peaceful blogplace. }
Addendum: I drafted the above blog during the counting of the ballots on election night. I'd had enough of the campaign and tired of the rhetoric. Last night I listened to each of the leader's speeches when it was all over. Jack, Stephane and Steven all spoke respectably of each other (even though nobody had died yet!) and talked of working together in this Conservative minority framework to achieve similar goals for Canadians. Here's hoping they remember their words and sit down around a Boardroom table again with the good of Canadians first and foremost. And just maybe it's our job not to slander the politicians in return, lest we be just as guilty of the behaviour we despise...... but to cover them with prayer... now there's an idea with merit!
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