Yesterday I came across a rather unique artist's rendering of a bird not unlike a sparrow but with a slightly longer tail. Notice the white breast feathers, the brown and delicate black shadings on its wings, and its head tucked out of sight under its wing. Varying textures were used throughout to give a 3-D affect. Interposed on the canvas behind the bird, is a barely visible camera as if to suggest a birdwatcher capturing the moment. Interesting and striking piece of work.
Well, the artist part might not be the whole truth.
But it definitely involves a bird, perhaps a large one.....striking...yah, that would be accurate.
Actually, here's another picture of it which will perhaps give you a different perspective. That is a car door handle at the upper left.
It was indeed a striking piece of work, and according to my husband, it was not a beautiful sight to clean it up! See...I've been telling you birds are creative creatures!
Better than some other pieces of art that I've seen that is considered beautiful.