This morning before church I remembered a story that I thought was very funny. An older couple once told us that they had bought a new stove but at times it acted very peculiar. It would be working fine, and then all of a sudden nothing on it would work. They figured it was just the timer on the oven and tried to adjust all that, but it just wouldn't work. But the next day it would. So they thought everything was fine until a while later the same thing happened. They could not get it to function at all. But the next day it was perfectly fine! They made some phone calls, went to the store where they purchased it, and after speaking with many people they finally got an answer on what was 'wrong' with their stove. The man with the answer said, "You've got it set on 'Sabbath Mode'." Sabbath Mode? What is that? He explained that in strict orthodox Jewish communities these stoves are very popular. You set the stove electronically to Sabbath Mode so that the stove cannot be used to 'work' on the Sabbath. Even if someone in the home tried to use it they wouldn't be able to. With absolutely no disrespect meant to my Jewish friends, I had quite a chuckle out of that. I mean, why don't you just....um....not use the stove on the sabbath? Is the temptation that great and our willpower that little that we need electronic means to prevent us from sinning?
Actually, I know a few people who could use some sort of electronic programming mode that prevents them from going back to the same old habits that drag them down....and others with them!
But I was reminded of a better way in church this morning. We sang,
"Amazing love, How can it be?
That You my King would die for me?
Amazing love, I know it's true,
And it's my joy to honour You,
In all I do, I honour You.
You are my King, Jesus, You are my King."
Gee, if we could get a handle on that one, we wouldn't be struggling so much with stuff we know we shouldn't be doing.........'cause we're gladly serving a King we not only love, but we joyfully honour in all our actions because His love is amazing beyond belief.
Joyful obedience, not out of ritual, but from a heart of love and devotion. 24/7. No Sabbath Mode programming required.
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