I was feeling all 'domestic' today on my day off. (No I don't own an apron like that, nor do I wear one. I prefer to wear old clothes while cooking and just slop all over them). Something about autumn makes me feel this way I think....since it's too hot to cook in the summer. Last week it was a visit to the orchard, followed by apple crisp and apple cider. Today I pulled out the flannelette sheets and threw them in the wash in preparation for bedtime now that the air is much cooler. Then I slid into the car and thoroughly enjoyed spending a few hours scouring the crafty shops in a nearby town, getting ideas for Christmas gifts. The air had that crisp autumn feel. The sun would make an appearance every now and then, followed by a brisk wind accompanied by rain. A brisk wind at this time of year is a good thing to help knock the leaves off the trees so they can be raked before they get blanketed in snow.
After shopping, I drove on to a favorite stop at a farmer's place where I purchased a large hubbard squash, a cabbage and some lettuce. From there I travelled to a poultry place to buy a fresh capon (that would be a large, meaty chicken).
On arriving home, the cooking began in earnest while the sheets dried. The chicken went in the oven along with the squash and some yams. While they were cooking, I made some chili con carne...another one of those comfort foods for cool weather.
I hated squash as a child. Now I just love it. Judging by this picture of the squash soup I made today...maybe I'm reverting to life as a baby (or a senior??).....kinda reminds you of baby food puree doesn't it? But it's delicious and inexpensive. If you're inclined to try it here's how I made it.
If you don't want to risk cutting any of your fingers off, or worse yet, severing your hand from your arm....(you know what I'm talking about if you've ever tried to cut up a squash as required in recipes!!) .....just pierce the squash and bake it in the oven (along with a chicken) for about an hour till it's soft. Then you can easily slice it open, remove the seeds and scoop out that wonderful aromatic pulp. For about 5 minutes, cook a small diced onion, carrot, and a potato or two (you could use an apple instead of the potato for a different taste) in a little butter in a saucepan. Add some chicken broth (from chicken above) or vegetable broth to cover and cook until veggies are soft. Then put the mixture in a blender (I love my Magic Bullet!) along with the squash and blend to the consistency you like, adding more broth as required. Then add some spice to taste. I am partial to cayenne pepper and a little nutmeg. Yum!
Back to work and reality tomorrow. But I shall enjoy my soup for lunch at work and when I drag myself in the door at the end of a long day I'll be thinking about chili with tortilla chips and cheese.
Sorry if you're hungry as you're reading this.......and sorry if you hate squash.