I thought it appropriate to 'resurrect' (a popular term in April) my post from a blog I did last year about our Earth Day adventures. The weather is definitely better this year! Here it is:
Today is Earth Day. We bought a tree today…not to celebrate…but to replace a dead-as-a-doornail umbrella tree. It had served the Christmas lights well, but we didn’t care to look at dead branches for another season. The rainy day was perfect as the soil was moist for tree removal, and a new one would be automatically well watered in. So, in the cold rain, my husband yanked at the tree and twisted it back and forth to loosen its roots. Chipper (the resident chipmunk in the garden) must have thought it was an earthquake of a magnitude 10 on the Richter scale, as it was very close to her home. Within seconds there were dozens of earthworms that suddenly emerged from the soil all over the place and scattered very quickly in every direction! We literally had to move out of the way or they would have swarmed our shoes. I’ve never seen anything like it! Speedy worms!! We continued to work and must have looked like drowned rats as we were getting more soaked and cold by the minute. I began to prune a nearby rosebush, as my husband yanked on some stubborn roots, when suddenly I heard a “WHOAAAA!!” I turned to see him lying awkwardly on his back on the (very hard) rocks surrounding the pond, his hand in the cold water. After ensuring everything but his pride was unhurt, I returned to the trimming to hide my face, thinking it best to contain the hysterical laughter that wanted to burst out of me. Later that day, when I was sweeping up, I accidently (honestly!) moved the broom towards my hubby’s feet just as he was stepping forward, and he again went flying over some brick and landed on his back on the hood of the car. Don’t they say most accidents happen close to home?
We found a lovely new tree on this cold, rainy Earth Day and after purchasing it, realized we needed to fit this six-foot tree into our car. My husband decided to place the base of the tree on the passenger seat side, with the rest of the tree between the front seats, filling the back of the car. I was humbly relegated to sit in the back of the car sheltered beneath the wet dripping leaves of the tree. Of course, no trip on a Saturday afternoon is complete without going through the Tim Horton’s drive-through. We approached the Horton’s drive-through window, though I couldn’t see it through the soggy leaves, nor the person serving us. The server of course could not see me. I heard him ask, “Is that a tree?” My husband responded, “Yes, I’m just taking my tree out for a drive....... It’s Earth Day.” The young man handed over one coffee for my husband, and one for….........the tree. Mhmm. ‘Tree-huggers’! You meet all kinds when you serve the public!
**I wonder if they have a "Take Your Tree to Work Day" ?????**
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