Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gotta love old ladies!

The closer I get to becoming an old lady (definition of old lady kids think I'm already there), the more respect I have for them. They've already lived a lot of life and could teach me a thing or two, negative or otherwise.
I will not forget driving in busy Toronto and stopping at a busy intersection, waiting to turn right on a red light. All was clear, i pulled up and could have made my turn, but I noticed an old lady nearing the intersection on my right, cane in hand. With the best of intentions, rather than make my turn before she reached me, I chose to wait for her. I motioned for her to go ahead and expected a congenial, thankful response from a grateful old lady. Instead, she made her way through the intersection, obviously muttering in disgust at me, thrusting her cane in my direction because I was over the line from having pulled ahead earlier. (I really wasn't blocking her way). I'm glad I couldn't hear what she was saying. I felt profoundly sad for her in that moment and wondered what she has lived through in her life that she would be so miserable and miss the kind gesture.

There are miserable old ladies who complain at anything and everything.....and then there are the ones I love to sit near at church. 

I want their faith, grace, and humility to rub off on me.

I have watched a couple of them in particular. In many ways life has not always been kind to them and over the years their bodies have started to hunch over, and walking and standing has become painful and difficult. Their faces do not reflect misery, but a peaceful disposition. I've watched hands that can't reach far, but none the less turned upwards in their best response to worship they can give. They don't care that the music is not their style of hymns from their generation...they respond with eyes closed, basking in the presence of the One who has been faithful...and will be to the end. He's never changed and they know He won't. They will just never get over His love for them.

Each generation has its own set of stressors, each quite different than the next, and yet stress just the same. 

And each generation needs to know God for themselves...being encouraged by the old ladies and old men who have found His love all generations.

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