Mice! Who would have thought I'm okay with a mouse in my house now? After all the money we spent ensuring no more mice would get in our house, one was spotted last night in our kitchen. I think he's the same one that I freaked out over in the bathroom, (which you can read about here). I think he just hasn't travelled up to the attic to use the exit doors which are still there - after all, there must be enough crumbs and water in the kitchen to keep him happy.
Why am I okay with him being in the house?
Because he made me aware we have a problem.
If any mice we may have had in our attic had quietly stayed there....quietly multiplying......and never travelled to where we could see one.....we would never have dealt with the problem. Not until it was a HUGE problem.
So last night's mouse lets us know the problem's not over yet. There's more work to be done.
And now I actually am so very grateful for that mouse....that brown furry 'problem' that freaked me out. In spite of the anguish I went through just knowing he was 'somewhere'.....he's now been exposed. And now we can deal with the problem head on.
That mouse is a reminder that I needed right here....right now.....today. I consider him a direct answer to prayer in an odd way that I needed....today. He's a picture - kinda like the elephant in the room thing - except we're talking mice.
So often we anguish over the pain and heartache and problems that arise in our lives. Our natural reaction is to freak out. God....why meeeeee? I didn't ask for this and I don't want it. I hate pain and I want life to go away. Other people seem to have life so easy.....why do I have to go through this? Why?????
I'm learning....very......very........very........slowly, it is not as much the 'problem' that is the primary issue, but rather what God sees as 'what could be' if I'd let Him. He sees the future with my confidence and peace restored...encouraging others who are in the midst of their pain. He has a much more peaceful place for me if only I'd hand everything over to Him.
The exposure of a deep-seated problem is a blessing. Oh, it doesn't feel like it....but it is a strange way that God lovingly reveals a much deeper issue 'hidden in the attic' that needs addressing for us to find the peace we so desperately need in our lives. Yes, it's painful. But if I went to a doctor over a mysterious painful illness and he exposed it, named it, and helped me through the painful process to healing, would it not have been worth having the illness exposed?
God, help me abandon everything that I am to You....every second of every day that I live. I'm weak... I fail.... I hate pain....but please continue to expose that 'furry brown something' in my life that I need to see is still hanging around and needs to go for good. I don't know yet all the steps I must take....but I'll do whatever You ask of me to clean house so I can know Your incredible presence and love in my life.
(Thanks Rodney...or whatever your name is. There's some peanut butter waiting for you behind the water cooler. I appreciate your sacrifice more than you know...you were right there when I needed you....and I will always, always remember you).