Interesting that the sermon I heard today started out with a reference to Cornflakes.
The speaker pointed out the effective marketing ploy by the creator of Cornflakes....they urge us to 'try them again for the first time'.
Cornflakes had become such a familiar cereal that people had left them long ago and gone on to other more attractive flakes. But many have returned and enjoy them with strange strawberry milk.
So why was Cornflakes interesting to me? Because for the last several weeks I have been replaying a song over and over, as is my custom with new songs I love, about 'trying' Someone again for the first time. The comparison is of course, ridiculous........the cereal can be boring no matter what you add to make it more palatable.
Jesus has been around for a long time as was pointed out the beginning. Those of us who have heard about Him for most of our lives may shelve Him as 'old' and move on to what we think is more interesting. I'm suggesting that it can't get more interesting than being connected to the One who knows you inside and out. There's no boring for the true follower of Christ.
What I know of Him is still so small compared to the vastness of who He is. I never want to stop rediscovering Him.....even over my bowl of Cornflakes in the morning.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Please God, turn this around
I am rediscovering a band I listened to years ago called Downhere. Their latest album is called On the Altar Of Love - with straight to the heart, back to basics lyrics.
(I'll admit I took another listen because one of their members, Marc Martel is making headlines around the world right now).
Have you ever reached a point in your life where you just give one knows what you struggle with inside but you feel helpless to ever change? Ever prayed 'I don't want to stay the same.... Save me from me'?
(I'll admit I took another listen because one of their members, Marc Martel is making headlines around the world right now).
Have you ever reached a point in your life where you just give one knows what you struggle with inside but you feel helpless to ever change? Ever prayed 'I don't want to stay the same.... Save me from me'?
Monday, September 5, 2011
Mice! Who would have thought I'm okay with a mouse in my house now? After all the money we spent ensuring no more mice would get in our house, one was spotted last night in our kitchen. I think he's the same one that I freaked out over in the bathroom, (which you can read about here). I think he just hasn't travelled up to the attic to use the exit doors which are still there - after all, there must be enough crumbs and water in the kitchen to keep him happy.
Why am I okay with him being in the house?
Because he made me aware we have a problem.
If any mice we may have had in our attic had quietly stayed there....quietly multiplying......and never travelled to where we could see one.....we would never have dealt with the problem. Not until it was a HUGE problem.
So last night's mouse lets us know the problem's not over yet. There's more work to be done.
And now I actually am so very grateful for that mouse....that brown furry 'problem' that freaked me out. In spite of the anguish I went through just knowing he was 'somewhere'.....he's now been exposed. And now we can deal with the problem head on.
That mouse is a reminder that I needed right here....right I consider him a direct answer to prayer in an odd way that I He's a picture - kinda like the elephant in the room thing - except we're talking mice.
So often we anguish over the pain and heartache and problems that arise in our lives. Our natural reaction is to freak out. God....why meeeeee? I didn't ask for this and I don't want it. I hate pain and I want life to go away. Other people seem to have life so easy.....why do I have to go through this? Why?????
I'm learning....very......very........very........slowly, it is not as much the 'problem' that is the primary issue, but rather what God sees as 'what could be' if I'd let Him. He sees the future with my confidence and peace restored...encouraging others who are in the midst of their pain. He has a much more peaceful place for me if only I'd hand everything over to Him.
The exposure of a deep-seated problem is a blessing. Oh, it doesn't feel like it....but it is a strange way that God lovingly reveals a much deeper issue 'hidden in the attic' that needs addressing for us to find the peace we so desperately need in our lives. Yes, it's painful. But if I went to a doctor over a mysterious painful illness and he exposed it, named it, and helped me through the painful process to healing, would it not have been worth having the illness exposed?
God, help me abandon everything that I am to You....every second of every day that I live. I'm weak... I fail.... I hate pain....but please continue to expose that 'furry brown something' in my life that I need to see is still hanging around and needs to go for good. I don't know yet all the steps I must take....but I'll do whatever You ask of me to clean house so I can know Your incredible presence and love in my life.
(Thanks Rodney...or whatever your name is. There's some peanut butter waiting for you behind the water cooler. I appreciate your sacrifice more than you were right there when I needed you....and I will always, always remember you).
Why am I okay with him being in the house?
Because he made me aware we have a problem.
If any mice we may have had in our attic had quietly stayed there....quietly multiplying......and never travelled to where we could see one.....we would never have dealt with the problem. Not until it was a HUGE problem.
So last night's mouse lets us know the problem's not over yet. There's more work to be done.
And now I actually am so very grateful for that mouse....that brown furry 'problem' that freaked me out. In spite of the anguish I went through just knowing he was 'somewhere'.....he's now been exposed. And now we can deal with the problem head on.
That mouse is a reminder that I needed right here....right I consider him a direct answer to prayer in an odd way that I He's a picture - kinda like the elephant in the room thing - except we're talking mice.
So often we anguish over the pain and heartache and problems that arise in our lives. Our natural reaction is to freak out. God....why meeeeee? I didn't ask for this and I don't want it. I hate pain and I want life to go away. Other people seem to have life so easy.....why do I have to go through this? Why?????
I'm learning....very......very........very........slowly, it is not as much the 'problem' that is the primary issue, but rather what God sees as 'what could be' if I'd let Him. He sees the future with my confidence and peace restored...encouraging others who are in the midst of their pain. He has a much more peaceful place for me if only I'd hand everything over to Him.
The exposure of a deep-seated problem is a blessing. Oh, it doesn't feel like it....but it is a strange way that God lovingly reveals a much deeper issue 'hidden in the attic' that needs addressing for us to find the peace we so desperately need in our lives. Yes, it's painful. But if I went to a doctor over a mysterious painful illness and he exposed it, named it, and helped me through the painful process to healing, would it not have been worth having the illness exposed?
God, help me abandon everything that I am to You....every second of every day that I live. I'm weak... I fail.... I hate pain....but please continue to expose that 'furry brown something' in my life that I need to see is still hanging around and needs to go for good. I don't know yet all the steps I must take....but I'll do whatever You ask of me to clean house so I can know Your incredible presence and love in my life.
(Thanks Rodney...or whatever your name is. There's some peanut butter waiting for you behind the water cooler. I appreciate your sacrifice more than you were right there when I needed you....and I will always, always remember you).
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Just waiting....

On the hottest of days and evenings you could scarcely breathe from the humidity. I looked to the skies for rain clouds and imagined the scent and the glorious feel of a downpour.... a steady rain to cool, replenish, and refresh.
And being an introspective soul....I asked myself if I longed for God that much. I pondered and rehearsed in my heart the verse in the Psalms....."As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God."
We all go through very dry, parched times in our life spiritually. Our faith can all but dry up when we get battered by life, pulled and pushed from all directions, and discouraged by events that leave us barely breathing from pain. Some walk away from God, hoping they find refreshment and satisfaction elsewhere, assuming He just doesn't care that much....or that maybe He's not even there.
Perhaps it's my fascination with birds, flowers, animals, nature, and the galaxies, but I only have to study those things briefly before I am drawn with respect and humility to the Creator of inexplicable beauty and design. If He took that much care designing a meaningful, incredible matrix teaming with living, interdependent creatures and the universe to sustain them in every way imaginable, how much more thought does He give to me - enough to have lived among us here and laid down all that He had to win my love and devotion.

It's a paradox. He pursues us...but wants us to pursue long for Him and wait for Him as a bride for her groom, the farmer for the rain, and the deer for the stream of life-giving water.
"Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or, whine, Israel, saying,
"God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me"?
Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening?
God doesn't come and go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don't get tired,
they walk and don't lag behind." [Isaiah 40:27-31]
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Critter Cottage Bed & Breakfast
Do you love nature, flowers, birds, butterflies, and wildlife?
Need a getaway vacation?
I am considering opening a Bed and Breakfast at our home called 'Critter Cottage' or perhaps, 'Rodent Retreat'. If you love wildlife it'll be just the place for you!
My husband and I spent a week away on vacation last week and although we live in the city, I swear the wildlife moved in while we were gone. When we returned home late in the evening the sidewalk leading up to the front porch was covered with a pile of dirt, obviously dug up from under the rose bush. After entering the house and looking back outside, we spotted a raccoon whom we had obviously caught in the act.

He ambled off down the sidewalk leaving his mess for us to clean up. Up to this point, raccoons have always lived across the street. I am hoping that extended family has not taken up residence on our property. That remains to be seen.
We spent one day errand running, and then we were off again for a one-night-away excursion to start our second week of vacation. Our return drive was a long one and we arrived home around midnight - tired, weary, and ready for bed. I was about to step out of the car when I caught a glimpse in the darkness of a white stripe and bushy tail - pretty kitty! He was busily digging in the lawn but approaching the car. Sigh. We felt trapped. My husband finally started the car again and angled it to shine headlights at the skunk (and probably into neighbours' bedroom windows). It began to head away from us...only to reverse and work it's way into the garden next to the car. Finally, because this kitty didn't really seem interested in our presence, we decided to take a round about walk to the front porch. As I was carefully slinking towards the porch... my eye on the white stripe and the location of its tail......I heard my husband say, "There's two of them!".

A bird feeder lay collapsed on the ground (likely knocked down by the afore-mentioned raccoon) and the second skunk was oblivious to everything but the seed he was devouring. Meanwhile, Kitty #1 seemed confused whether to run from us or continue to scrounge. I slunk into the house while poor hubby made several trips carrying in stuff from the car. I wisely thought it best that only one person be sprayed than two.... We made it in safely without incident.
The next day we took a day trip which again landed us home late, close to midnight. The front yard appeared empty of wildlife - yes! We wearily settled into the house to get ready for sleep. I flipped on the bathroom light and immediately SHRIEKED! as --something--scooted across the floor. I knew it was a mouse. I half closed the door and watched the furry brown critter try to exit via the floor vent, but it was closed so he scooted back out and paused on the floor for a minute. I got a good look at him before closing the door and.....freaking. We have ONE bathroom. I needed that bathroom. I needed it WITHOUT a mouse in it.

We had long known we've had mice at times in the attic, but it was recently insulated and the tradesmen assured us that mice hate that insulation and we would have no more problems. The possibility of mice now moving into the walls and the rest of the house was too much for me. Since it was now midnight, my dutiful husband said he would hit the 24-hour grocery store for mouse traps. He knew I wasn't going to rest until something was done with that mouse. But he stood motionless, staring out the front door. "The skunks are back..." He waited until he could safely manoeuvre past the outdoor kitties and then he was gone.....for a very long time....without a cell phone. I sat on the stairs and watched the bottom of the bathroom door where I had stuffed a rug to prevent any exit of a furry creature that only needs a hole the size of a dime to collapse its body through. Every once in a while I adjusted the rug....just to be sure. And I wondered how we could possibly use the bathroom tonight even with a mousetrap. What if the critter raced out into the rest of the house? How could I sleep?
After an eternity, my husband returned empty handed - grocery stores don't stock mice-traps anymore. He assured me I'd be fine to just use the bathroom and the mouse wouldn't bother me. I looked at him like he had two heads. "It's just a little mouse!!!", he insisted, obviously tired and wanting to sleep....but his eyes defied him. He put on his shoes and bravely entered the bathroom. And the mouse remained....somewhere.....out of sight. I braved it too with slippers on, but removed everything from the bathroom that I'd be needing in the morning, and I prayed that I would not have to pee in the night!!!! We left the light on and shut the door of the loo, stuffing the rug back in place beneath the door. At least the mouse would not enter the rest of the house and I could rest.
The next day we contacted a pest control company who promised us that they are going to eliminate our mouse problems forever (and no one would be hurt in this exercise) - or at least they provide a 5 year guarantee. The young part owner of the company said he would grab his gloves and check the bathroom for us. He went in, shut the door behind him, and proceeded to bang around in there. When he exited he stated that there was no mouse anywhere in the bathroom. He did show us a tiny hole in the bathroom closet that the mouse must have used to both enter and exit. As the fellow inspected outside our house I told him that we have seen rabbits, skunks, raccoons, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, possums and a recently spotted groundhog, to which he seemed genuinely amused. He promised they would never be a problem in relation to our house when they are finished their work....and he said I could feed the birds all I want when they are done. I liked him instantly.
And so, on the hottest day of the year so far, men came and 'sealed' in our house of any entrance point that a mouse (or bat...shudder....lets not go there) could get in. However, they installed two exit points - little cages from which the mice can exit but cannot get back in. They allow 6 weeks for everyone to leave the building, and then they remove the cages and seal it up. They assure us the mice will leave because they need water...and of course I provide all the food they....and all the other wildlife....could want via the bird feeders. I do NOT want to know how many mice leave our home.
So although the little hole in the bathroom closet is sealed up, I tread lightly in the house. We see no other evidence of mice inside, so I'm trusting they are just packing their bags and leaving.
One problem though. We just might be welcoming another influx of animals to the neighbourhood who prey on mice if their numbers suddenly increase outside. Wiki says the following animals eat mice:
Dogs, wolves, ferrets, badgers, bears, opossums, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, herons, otters, bobcats, lynx, mountain lions, alligators, crocodiles, minks, and skunks.
The day I see a mountain lion or crocodile in our yard will be the day I move out. Someone else can run the Bed and Breakfast!!

Need a getaway vacation?
I am considering opening a Bed and Breakfast at our home called 'Critter Cottage' or perhaps, 'Rodent Retreat'. If you love wildlife it'll be just the place for you!
My husband and I spent a week away on vacation last week and although we live in the city, I swear the wildlife moved in while we were gone. When we returned home late in the evening the sidewalk leading up to the front porch was covered with a pile of dirt, obviously dug up from under the rose bush. After entering the house and looking back outside, we spotted a raccoon whom we had obviously caught in the act.

He ambled off down the sidewalk leaving his mess for us to clean up. Up to this point, raccoons have always lived across the street. I am hoping that extended family has not taken up residence on our property. That remains to be seen.
We spent one day errand running, and then we were off again for a one-night-away excursion to start our second week of vacation. Our return drive was a long one and we arrived home around midnight - tired, weary, and ready for bed. I was about to step out of the car when I caught a glimpse in the darkness of a white stripe and bushy tail - pretty kitty! He was busily digging in the lawn but approaching the car. Sigh. We felt trapped. My husband finally started the car again and angled it to shine headlights at the skunk (and probably into neighbours' bedroom windows). It began to head away from us...only to reverse and work it's way into the garden next to the car. Finally, because this kitty didn't really seem interested in our presence, we decided to take a round about walk to the front porch. As I was carefully slinking towards the porch... my eye on the white stripe and the location of its tail......I heard my husband say, "There's two of them!".

A bird feeder lay collapsed on the ground (likely knocked down by the afore-mentioned raccoon) and the second skunk was oblivious to everything but the seed he was devouring. Meanwhile, Kitty #1 seemed confused whether to run from us or continue to scrounge. I slunk into the house while poor hubby made several trips carrying in stuff from the car. I wisely thought it best that only one person be sprayed than two.... We made it in safely without incident.
The next day we took a day trip which again landed us home late, close to midnight. The front yard appeared empty of wildlife - yes! We wearily settled into the house to get ready for sleep. I flipped on the bathroom light and immediately SHRIEKED! as --something--scooted across the floor. I knew it was a mouse. I half closed the door and watched the furry brown critter try to exit via the floor vent, but it was closed so he scooted back out and paused on the floor for a minute. I got a good look at him before closing the door and.....freaking. We have ONE bathroom. I needed that bathroom. I needed it WITHOUT a mouse in it.

We had long known we've had mice at times in the attic, but it was recently insulated and the tradesmen assured us that mice hate that insulation and we would have no more problems. The possibility of mice now moving into the walls and the rest of the house was too much for me. Since it was now midnight, my dutiful husband said he would hit the 24-hour grocery store for mouse traps. He knew I wasn't going to rest until something was done with that mouse. But he stood motionless, staring out the front door. "The skunks are back..." He waited until he could safely manoeuvre past the outdoor kitties and then he was gone.....for a very long time....without a cell phone. I sat on the stairs and watched the bottom of the bathroom door where I had stuffed a rug to prevent any exit of a furry creature that only needs a hole the size of a dime to collapse its body through. Every once in a while I adjusted the rug....just to be sure. And I wondered how we could possibly use the bathroom tonight even with a mousetrap. What if the critter raced out into the rest of the house? How could I sleep?
After an eternity, my husband returned empty handed - grocery stores don't stock mice-traps anymore. He assured me I'd be fine to just use the bathroom and the mouse wouldn't bother me. I looked at him like he had two heads. "It's just a little mouse!!!", he insisted, obviously tired and wanting to sleep....but his eyes defied him. He put on his shoes and bravely entered the bathroom. And the mouse remained....somewhere.....out of sight. I braved it too with slippers on, but removed everything from the bathroom that I'd be needing in the morning, and I prayed that I would not have to pee in the night!!!! We left the light on and shut the door of the loo, stuffing the rug back in place beneath the door. At least the mouse would not enter the rest of the house and I could rest.
The next day we contacted a pest control company who promised us that they are going to eliminate our mouse problems forever (and no one would be hurt in this exercise) - or at least they provide a 5 year guarantee. The young part owner of the company said he would grab his gloves and check the bathroom for us. He went in, shut the door behind him, and proceeded to bang around in there. When he exited he stated that there was no mouse anywhere in the bathroom. He did show us a tiny hole in the bathroom closet that the mouse must have used to both enter and exit. As the fellow inspected outside our house I told him that we have seen rabbits, skunks, raccoons, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, possums and a recently spotted groundhog, to which he seemed genuinely amused. He promised they would never be a problem in relation to our house when they are finished their work....and he said I could feed the birds all I want when they are done. I liked him instantly.
And so, on the hottest day of the year so far, men came and 'sealed' in our house of any entrance point that a mouse (or bat...shudder....lets not go there) could get in. However, they installed two exit points - little cages from which the mice can exit but cannot get back in. They allow 6 weeks for everyone to leave the building, and then they remove the cages and seal it up. They assure us the mice will leave because they need water...and of course I provide all the food they....and all the other wildlife....could want via the bird feeders. I do NOT want to know how many mice leave our home.
So although the little hole in the bathroom closet is sealed up, I tread lightly in the house. We see no other evidence of mice inside, so I'm trusting they are just packing their bags and leaving.
One problem though. We just might be welcoming another influx of animals to the neighbourhood who prey on mice if their numbers suddenly increase outside. Wiki says the following animals eat mice:
Dogs, wolves, ferrets, badgers, bears, opossums, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons, herons, otters, bobcats, lynx, mountain lions, alligators, crocodiles, minks, and skunks.
The day I see a mountain lion or crocodile in our yard will be the day I move out. Someone else can run the Bed and Breakfast!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Wish the world would end
At the time of this writing, a gentleman is getting world wide press about his pronouncement that the world will end 5:59 pm (not 6:00 pm??). I'll be interested to see his statements later this evening.
Speaking of being out of touch with reality.....
There's a woman in my life who always brings me back to the real world....the one where people struggle with poverty, sickness, disease, and at times despair. This week Sharon (not her real name) was at the lowest point I have seen her. This week, I think she'd be glad if the world ended.
I've known Sharon for many years now - she just turned 60 - and every time I have visited with her, I have gained more insight into the struggles she has had since her childhood, stories that would break your heart if you heard them. And yet these life experiences have fortified her, toughened her, and made her a feisty advocate for the downtrodden, a voice for social justice and against injustice. It was not unheard of for her to be seen standing somewhere alone outside of a government office holding a picket sign for a fact rumour has it she did it topless once because it was the only way to draw attention to her issue! She has always lived well below the poverty line, but raised two sons alone, both of which to this day have serious medical disabilities that continue to require expensive surgeries. She has fought many battles which I will not go into here....but you name it....she's been through it.
She managed to go back to school, purchase a house, add a business to it and pay down what she owed by working hard. On top of her job she would cater, clean houses, and bake cookies to literally sell on the street - anything she could do for a few more dollars - not for herself - but to faithfully pay all of her bills. Yet she is always the first to give her last dime to help someone out who is worse off than her. Her stories amaze me.....and shame me.... as to how little I give out of what I have. I have offered at times to take her out for dinner only to have her insist on paying (this woman does not accept 'no' for an answer). I can't tell you how humbling it is to watch her count the money out of her wallet....knowing full well she can't afford pay for my meal when I have a job and good health. But everyone needs their dignity and I have learned that I must allow someone to be blessed by giving, even if it is out of their poverty. It's a fine line giving food and necessities to her and her family lest it be mistaken as 'charity', when she views others as much more needy than herself. Yet I know that for her, groceries are purchased only after the bills are paid....and there have been lean months when the bills were not paid.
Sharon battles a terrible cancer now. About 5 years ago she was given 2 years to live. Now her physical condition leaves her with nothing she can do to earn money. Having to go onto a Disability pension has been very humiliating for her and even if she could earn anything extra beyond the pension cheque, it is always clawed back by the government. Unfortunately, that means she has stopped taking her medications....partly because she has to choose at times between having food and bills paid, or paying for medical expenses....but I think she has given up the meds because they are just prolonging the inevitable and she's just too tired to fight anymore.She can't eat typical food provided by the city's food bank because her body can't handle processed foods. So I ensure she gets fresh vegetables and fruit and believe me, she knows how to stretch a few vegetables into many, many meals. She's done it all her life.
This week she told me she is selling her house - the one thing she has worked so hard to keep over the years - and has been a lovely place for her and one of her sons to enjoy. I asked her where she will go. She said she doesn't know and doesn't care anymore. She'll find a long as she can just pay off all her debts from the sale and be done with the financial stress that she can't handle anymore....and as she waits on a court case that she has fought for over a decade and just can't wait any longer.
So if the world doesn't end today, I plan on bringing her some more fresh vegetables. I'm sad that one day a part of my world will end when Sharon is no longer with us. Perhaps what I have written here will be a eulogy....or perhaps I will write another when the time comes. All I know is....the world needs more Sharons.....and we all need to truly know a Sharon in order to bring us back in touch with reality.
Speaking of being out of touch with reality.....
There's a woman in my life who always brings me back to the real world....the one where people struggle with poverty, sickness, disease, and at times despair. This week Sharon (not her real name) was at the lowest point I have seen her. This week, I think she'd be glad if the world ended.
I've known Sharon for many years now - she just turned 60 - and every time I have visited with her, I have gained more insight into the struggles she has had since her childhood, stories that would break your heart if you heard them. And yet these life experiences have fortified her, toughened her, and made her a feisty advocate for the downtrodden, a voice for social justice and against injustice. It was not unheard of for her to be seen standing somewhere alone outside of a government office holding a picket sign for a fact rumour has it she did it topless once because it was the only way to draw attention to her issue! She has always lived well below the poverty line, but raised two sons alone, both of which to this day have serious medical disabilities that continue to require expensive surgeries. She has fought many battles which I will not go into here....but you name it....she's been through it.
She managed to go back to school, purchase a house, add a business to it and pay down what she owed by working hard. On top of her job she would cater, clean houses, and bake cookies to literally sell on the street - anything she could do for a few more dollars - not for herself - but to faithfully pay all of her bills. Yet she is always the first to give her last dime to help someone out who is worse off than her. Her stories amaze me.....and shame me.... as to how little I give out of what I have. I have offered at times to take her out for dinner only to have her insist on paying (this woman does not accept 'no' for an answer). I can't tell you how humbling it is to watch her count the money out of her wallet....knowing full well she can't afford pay for my meal when I have a job and good health. But everyone needs their dignity and I have learned that I must allow someone to be blessed by giving, even if it is out of their poverty. It's a fine line giving food and necessities to her and her family lest it be mistaken as 'charity', when she views others as much more needy than herself. Yet I know that for her, groceries are purchased only after the bills are paid....and there have been lean months when the bills were not paid.
Sharon battles a terrible cancer now. About 5 years ago she was given 2 years to live. Now her physical condition leaves her with nothing she can do to earn money. Having to go onto a Disability pension has been very humiliating for her and even if she could earn anything extra beyond the pension cheque, it is always clawed back by the government. Unfortunately, that means she has stopped taking her medications....partly because she has to choose at times between having food and bills paid, or paying for medical expenses....but I think she has given up the meds because they are just prolonging the inevitable and she's just too tired to fight anymore.She can't eat typical food provided by the city's food bank because her body can't handle processed foods. So I ensure she gets fresh vegetables and fruit and believe me, she knows how to stretch a few vegetables into many, many meals. She's done it all her life.
This week she told me she is selling her house - the one thing she has worked so hard to keep over the years - and has been a lovely place for her and one of her sons to enjoy. I asked her where she will go. She said she doesn't know and doesn't care anymore. She'll find a long as she can just pay off all her debts from the sale and be done with the financial stress that she can't handle anymore....and as she waits on a court case that she has fought for over a decade and just can't wait any longer.
So if the world doesn't end today, I plan on bringing her some more fresh vegetables. I'm sad that one day a part of my world will end when Sharon is no longer with us. Perhaps what I have written here will be a eulogy....or perhaps I will write another when the time comes. All I know is....the world needs more Sharons.....and we all need to truly know a Sharon in order to bring us back in touch with reality.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Little heartbeats
Here's a message for women...but men are welcome too.
Kids are so sweet....mostly when they are sleeping. Sometimes they leave you with memorable moments like these.....
Mother's Day can be a difficult day for many for various reasons. Some have lost their mother and miss them especially on this day. Many others have deeply painful memories of a mother who hurt them badly and scars remain to this day. To the latter, I would say....the dysfunctional stuff stops here, with you. You are a fresh beginning. Every day is a new clean page. You are not the reason your mother acted as she did, nor are you destined to repeat the same mistakes as she did. As long as you are alive and there is a God who loves you (and there is!), you have fresh hope each day to make a difference in the life of a child - whether your own, or a child within your influence. The world needs starts with us.....and little heartbeats.
Who could write and sing a song about it more beautifully than Steven Curtis Chapman?
Kids are so sweet....mostly when they are sleeping. Sometimes they leave you with memorable moments like these.....
Mother's Day can be a difficult day for many for various reasons. Some have lost their mother and miss them especially on this day. Many others have deeply painful memories of a mother who hurt them badly and scars remain to this day. To the latter, I would say....the dysfunctional stuff stops here, with you. You are a fresh beginning. Every day is a new clean page. You are not the reason your mother acted as she did, nor are you destined to repeat the same mistakes as she did. As long as you are alive and there is a God who loves you (and there is!), you have fresh hope each day to make a difference in the life of a child - whether your own, or a child within your influence. The world needs starts with us.....and little heartbeats.
Who could write and sing a song about it more beautifully than Steven Curtis Chapman?
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
How to identify a birdbrain
I met a woman at the hairdresser recently who was so excited to meet me she could hardly contain herself.
Now I don't believe it was due to my magnetic personality....but rather because we shared bird stories while being coiffured. In a whisper she would tell me things about herself and I would nod and confirm that I am the same. She`d confide, 'I have a heater in my bird bath'...(me too...two of them!). Excited, she would add, 'I have a little pond for the birds'...(me too). Her eyes would widen...'I have bird feeders all over the place'....(me too)...and on and on it went as we both share a love of birds, butterflies, flowers, and wildlife. By the time I was leaving, she had learned my name from the hairdresser and called goodbye to me, saying wistfully that she hoped we could meet again soon. Because we are of 'the same kind' I believe we could be the best of friends.

I'm not saying it takes one to know one....but there are ways to tell when one is obsessed with birds to the point that others think they need therapy. Here are some of the signs....
1) People who come and go from the birdbrain's house will be advised of the appropriate time to come in the house or leave. If there is, in particular, a cardinal feeding at a feeder outside the door, no one will be allowed to either leave their vehicle to come into the house, or allowed to exit until the cardinal has finished eating and has flown off. Other birds may also be allowed to remain undisturbed, depending on the decision of the birdbrain.
2) Supper may not be ready when the family arrives home, but the birds will have been fed and watered.
3) If a family member calls to chat with the birdbrain, they will usually first ask....'Are you watching birds right now?'
4) Birdbrains will keep an eye on the feeders because if they are empty, the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks will peer in the windows as if to say, 'We're all outta grub here! We're waiting!'. Birds will even land on the feeder while still in the birdbrain's hand if the bird feels the birdbrain has not responded quick enough.
5) Those birdbrains with severe therapy needs have even been known to drop everything and run outside to shoo hawks away from 'her/his' birds. Hawks need to eat, but the disillusioned birdbrain may actually believe the hawk should dine at some other establishment other than her/his own, almost believing the birds to belong to her/him. The same reaction applies to neighbourhood cats, who contrary to hawks, do not need to eat birds.
6) The front hall floor of the foyer of a birdbrain`s home will inevitably have plenty of birdseed scattered across it as people track it in on their shoes while walking past the feeders on their way into the home. Hopefully that is all they have tracked in. I have heard that some visitors to birdbrains' homes often live for weeks with nightmares of The Birds scattering in all directions and coming to attack them. Strangely sad.
7) Birdbrains will invest in 1-2 birdbath heaters for the winter months to ensure there is plenty of unfrozen water for drinks and baths for the birds (and squirrels).
8) When the birdbrain brings in the outdoor Christmas bows and lights to be stored away, many of them need to be discarded or cleaned due to.....white stuff..... (not snow) on them.
9) When everyone else has put away their snow shovels in spring, the birdbrain is diligently shovelling 6-12 inches of niger seed out from below the birdfeeders lest it suffocate everything beneath it that is trying to grow.
10) In springtime, when others are cleaning up their yards of sticks and brush and cutting down last year's perennials (if they left them standing through the winter for the birds to eat), the birdbrain sees much of this stuff as great nesting material and rather than discarding it, spreads it out for the birds to scrounge through. Of course, that might not be enough choice for the birds, so the birdbrain will also supply yarn and/or dog hair for the birds to gather for use in their nests.
11) Most people remove nests immediately if a bird sets up living quarters in close proximity to a house. The birdbrain, however excitedly sets up tripods and cameras to film the action. Of course bird identification books, camera, and binoculars are always at the ready near the windows.
12) No one pays particular attention to the robins who are hopping about when there is still snow on the ground, nor thinks about the fact that they are not locating any worms on the still frozen ground. The birdbrain however, will daily slice up grapes and spread them on the ground along with raisins to ensure the robins have some food to gobble up until the ground thaws.
13) It should be noted that a birdbrain wouldnever hardly ever be late for work simply because they were replenishing birdbaths, feeders, and slicing grapes for robins before leaving for work.
15) Finally, while there are many more oddities in the life of the birdbrain....I leave you with this heartwarming story on video. It's interesting that a birdbrain sees a Youtube video such as this one below, and feels a kinship to those who `walk with birds`......and worries about what will become of Maria.....and would build a pond for her in a heartbeat. It's sad, but the birdbrain often does not recognize his/her 'illness'. Do you know anyone like this?? Me neither. Now while you watch this video, please excuse me while I go and cut up some eat...along with someworms raisins.
Now I don't believe it was due to my magnetic personality....but rather because we shared bird stories while being coiffured. In a whisper she would tell me things about herself and I would nod and confirm that I am the same. She`d confide, 'I have a heater in my bird bath'...(me too...two of them!). Excited, she would add, 'I have a little pond for the birds'...(me too). Her eyes would widen...'I have bird feeders all over the place'....(me too)...and on and on it went as we both share a love of birds, butterflies, flowers, and wildlife. By the time I was leaving, she had learned my name from the hairdresser and called goodbye to me, saying wistfully that she hoped we could meet again soon. Because we are of 'the same kind' I believe we could be the best of friends.

I'm not saying it takes one to know one....but there are ways to tell when one is obsessed with birds to the point that others think they need therapy. Here are some of the signs....
1) People who come and go from the birdbrain's house will be advised of the appropriate time to come in the house or leave. If there is, in particular, a cardinal feeding at a feeder outside the door, no one will be allowed to either leave their vehicle to come into the house, or allowed to exit until the cardinal has finished eating and has flown off. Other birds may also be allowed to remain undisturbed, depending on the decision of the birdbrain.
2) Supper may not be ready when the family arrives home, but the birds will have been fed and watered.
3) If a family member calls to chat with the birdbrain, they will usually first ask....'Are you watching birds right now?'
4) Birdbrains will keep an eye on the feeders because if they are empty, the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks will peer in the windows as if to say, 'We're all outta grub here! We're waiting!'. Birds will even land on the feeder while still in the birdbrain's hand if the bird feels the birdbrain has not responded quick enough.
5) Those birdbrains with severe therapy needs have even been known to drop everything and run outside to shoo hawks away from 'her/his' birds. Hawks need to eat, but the disillusioned birdbrain may actually believe the hawk should dine at some other establishment other than her/his own, almost believing the birds to belong to her/him. The same reaction applies to neighbourhood cats, who contrary to hawks, do not need to eat birds.
6) The front hall floor of the foyer of a birdbrain`s home will inevitably have plenty of birdseed scattered across it as people track it in on their shoes while walking past the feeders on their way into the home. Hopefully that is all they have tracked in. I have heard that some visitors to birdbrains' homes often live for weeks with nightmares of The Birds scattering in all directions and coming to attack them. Strangely sad.
7) Birdbrains will invest in 1-2 birdbath heaters for the winter months to ensure there is plenty of unfrozen water for drinks and baths for the birds (and squirrels).
8) When the birdbrain brings in the outdoor Christmas bows and lights to be stored away, many of them need to be discarded or cleaned due to.....white stuff..... (not snow) on them.
9) When everyone else has put away their snow shovels in spring, the birdbrain is diligently shovelling 6-12 inches of niger seed out from below the birdfeeders lest it suffocate everything beneath it that is trying to grow.
10) In springtime, when others are cleaning up their yards of sticks and brush and cutting down last year's perennials (if they left them standing through the winter for the birds to eat), the birdbrain sees much of this stuff as great nesting material and rather than discarding it, spreads it out for the birds to scrounge through. Of course, that might not be enough choice for the birds, so the birdbrain will also supply yarn and/or dog hair for the birds to gather for use in their nests.
11) Most people remove nests immediately if a bird sets up living quarters in close proximity to a house. The birdbrain, however excitedly sets up tripods and cameras to film the action. Of course bird identification books, camera, and binoculars are always at the ready near the windows.
12) No one pays particular attention to the robins who are hopping about when there is still snow on the ground, nor thinks about the fact that they are not locating any worms on the still frozen ground. The birdbrain however, will daily slice up grapes and spread them on the ground along with raisins to ensure the robins have some food to gobble up until the ground thaws.
13) It should be noted that a birdbrain would
15) Finally, while there are many more oddities in the life of the birdbrain....I leave you with this heartwarming story on video. It's interesting that a birdbrain sees a Youtube video such as this one below, and feels a kinship to those who `walk with birds`......and worries about what will become of Maria.....and would build a pond for her in a heartbeat. It's sad, but the birdbrain often does not recognize his/her 'illness'. Do you know anyone like this?? Me neither. Now while you watch this video, please excuse me while I go and cut up some eat...along with some
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Evening musings
I went for a walk early this evening to enjoy the longer light hours and the warm spring breezes. Kids had shed their coats and were playing ball hockey. Others were walking dogs and biking. One young-man-wannabe was shining up his motorcycle. I could hear squawking and singing robins in abundance all around me. I think we're back to where we were last year - that is, 2-4 robins per household. I couldn't help wondering if among all this noise might some of those voices belong to any of 6 robins born and nurtured last year on my front porch?
Those little ones who turned so quickly from this
and this
into this?
I'll be watching the leftover nest to see if Momma returns, rebuilds, and rebirths!
Towards the end of my journey, I greeted a Japanese couple as they smiled while walking their dog. My thoughts turned abruptly to a country where thousands of people who only weeks ago were affluent, now wait....
shivering in bone-chilling cold and darkness,
frightened of an invisible killer,
starving for the basics of food and water,
longing for peace from the ache of loss of life,
weary from incessant trembling ground beneath them,
pining for a return to some semblance of normal.
I pray that not one word of complaint has fallen from my lips today, nor any spirit of ungratefulness gripped my heart. I am blessed beyond words. And of those who have much ...much is required to be given. What am I doing about that?
Those little ones who turned so quickly from this
and this
into this?
I'll be watching the leftover nest to see if Momma returns, rebuilds, and rebirths!
Towards the end of my journey, I greeted a Japanese couple as they smiled while walking their dog. My thoughts turned abruptly to a country where thousands of people who only weeks ago were affluent, now wait....
shivering in bone-chilling cold and darkness,
frightened of an invisible killer,
starving for the basics of food and water,
longing for peace from the ache of loss of life,
weary from incessant trembling ground beneath them,
pining for a return to some semblance of normal.
I pray that not one word of complaint has fallen from my lips today, nor any spirit of ungratefulness gripped my heart. I am blessed beyond words. And of those who have much ...much is required to be given. What am I doing about that?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Amazing art in motion in the skies
This is absolutely amazing art in motion in the skies of England.
My neighbours have commented on the proliferation of birds in my yard......but if it ever begins to look like this, I will definitely stop feeding the birds!
My neighbours have commented on the proliferation of birds in my yard......but if it ever begins to look like this, I will definitely stop feeding the birds!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Blotchy is good

I noticed some other promising signs of spring last week. Several mornings my ear was suddenly tuned to hear that melodic male cardinal song that is silent throughout the winter. Normally through the winter, groups of cardinals have gathered at my feeders - a mixture of males and females - and though they chased each other a little, they were still tolerant of one another while feeding. Last week, while still in the thick of cold, snowy weather, I caught a glimpse of 4 male cardinals chasing each other around the trees, with one dominant male returning, paired with a female and the two of them ate together at one of the feeders. Lucky them to have exclusive rights to this lady's feeders. They will never go hungry!! For Richard's stunning pictures of cardinals in his At the Water blog, click here and here.
Are you as fascinated at 'Instinct' as I am??
Instinct: "an inborn pattern of activity or tendency to action common to a given biological species"
Inborn. Tendency.
So, you mean birds don't have calendars back at their roosting spots where they settle in for the night? They don't pull out their Audubon Calendar and say, 'Oh my gosh! It's almost March and I don't have a mate yet!' But really....if it's still cold and wintry and they were just born in the summertime, how the heck would they know that this cold stuff is all going to end in the next couple of months - it's all they've known for half their life - and they have responsibilities to find mates, drop eggs, and raise babies? And when it's nest building time, and they've never built one, nor (obviously) seen their mother build the one they were raised in for all of two weeks, how do they know which materials are 'only' used for the type of nest their kind makes? Nests are all uniquely different for each type of bird. What if a cardinal starts building the way a wren would - with all the wrong materials and in the wrong place. Everyone knows it's all about LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION.
It's why spring fascinates me every year. It happens.....faithfully.
The cold...the dark...the brown....the damp....and the dead......
all becomes the warmth....the vibrant....the colours.....the scents.....the life!
And it's why birds fascinate me. They are atune to it all, even before it begins. Their songs begin in earnest before life bursts forth and the melody of the earth begins.
You may think things are pretty quiet.....but tune your ear to the melody. Don't miss the show! Grab a front seat and get ready to watch the fascination of creation in action.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Psalm 19 : 1-4 (The Bible)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Clean 'N Green - #4 The Hookless Shower Curtain
Last year when I stayed in a lovely hotel for a couple of nights on work-related training I absolutely loved the bright and spacious shower in the bathroom. They had installed one of those curved shower curtain rods and it was amazing how much more space this actually created. I took special note of the shower curtain and determined that if I ever saw one like it, I would buy it. What's to get excited about a shower curtain??
I've been accustomed to buying vinyl shower curtains because they are relatively cheap, but they are not easy to keep clean and once they became mildewy I would toss them....or use them as drop sheets when painting....although they are not the best for that either. So, is opting for cheap really the most economical if you have to keep pitching them when they won't stay clean? And is vinyl a 'green' product anyways?
I was excited when I randomly found the shower curtain in a Bed Bath and Beyond store and now that I own it I am even more impressed with it.
It is called a Hookless Shower Curtain - there are many types of hookless curtains now, but the one I love is all fabric and is antimicrobial treated. The 'hookless' part is just a bonus. The 'split rings' along the top of the curtain simply open and snap shut onto the curtain rod so no hooks are required. So it's a breeze to put up or take down. The curtain is made of fabric and has a 'window' along the top portion so it almost feels like you've installed a light inside the shower because it's so much brighter.
But my favorite part is that although it is a single curtain, there is a second layer of fabric which falls inside the tub and is attached inside and below the window with snaps. So once a month I unsnap this inner lining that has been exposed to all the water in the shower, throw it in the wash with my sheets, and snap it back in place after laundering. The rest of the curtain can also be easily washed when required and is a breeze to pop back in place.
No more mildew or throwing away shower curtains. Always fresh and clean. And easy.
What a great product. And if you could combine it with a curved curtain rod you'll enjoy bright and spacious every morning.
Unless of course, you're REALLY green and conserve water by not showering. In which case you might not only be green....but also mildewy and my old shower curtains!
I've been accustomed to buying vinyl shower curtains because they are relatively cheap, but they are not easy to keep clean and once they became mildewy I would toss them....or use them as drop sheets when painting....although they are not the best for that either. So, is opting for cheap really the most economical if you have to keep pitching them when they won't stay clean? And is vinyl a 'green' product anyways?
I was excited when I randomly found the shower curtain in a Bed Bath and Beyond store and now that I own it I am even more impressed with it.
It is called a Hookless Shower Curtain - there are many types of hookless curtains now, but the one I love is all fabric and is antimicrobial treated. The 'hookless' part is just a bonus. The 'split rings' along the top of the curtain simply open and snap shut onto the curtain rod so no hooks are required. So it's a breeze to put up or take down. The curtain is made of fabric and has a 'window' along the top portion so it almost feels like you've installed a light inside the shower because it's so much brighter.
But my favorite part is that although it is a single curtain, there is a second layer of fabric which falls inside the tub and is attached inside and below the window with snaps. So once a month I unsnap this inner lining that has been exposed to all the water in the shower, throw it in the wash with my sheets, and snap it back in place after laundering. The rest of the curtain can also be easily washed when required and is a breeze to pop back in place.
No more mildew or throwing away shower curtains. Always fresh and clean. And easy.
What a great product. And if you could combine it with a curved curtain rod you'll enjoy bright and spacious every morning.
Unless of course, you're REALLY green and conserve water by not showering. In which case you might not only be green....but also mildewy and my old shower curtains!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Clean 'N Green - #3 Why are you cleaning with chemicals?
For the last several months I have been primarily cleaning my house with water - no chemical cleaners, and I'm loving much as you can love cleaning your home.
I had read about a couple of miracle cleaning cloths but my search to find and order them left me frustrated.
One such product is ENJO, whose website makes this statement,
"We believe you need to see ENJO products work in your own home, on your own dirt. By showing you the products in the comfort of your own home, you can truly understand their benefits and learn more about what ENJO can do for YOU."
Sooooooo. Even though I can watch a complete demo video on their website, they must believe I cannot make an informed decision on my own to decide I just want to buy it, nor do they give me the tools to buy it online or on the telephone! No, I need to find someone who is hosting a party that I must attend and we all know how obliged you feel - even with 'no pressure' when you attend these little parties - with no offense intended to those who are involved with ENJO. But ....there are no prices that I could find on the website and really......can we just not admit that this is more about building the ENJO business by recruiting consultants? I have no doubt it's a great company and a great product - but likely well overpriced. I wanted the cloth NOW, so I left ENJO to search elsewhere.
I also checked out Norwex, which has a similar anti bacterial product called the Enviro cloth. Again, it's all about the process, and finding a representative in my area took forever on the internet so I gave up.
Frankly, all of these cloths are microfibre cloths which are sweeping stores like a storm....and can be readily found in dollar stores. I'm sure that Norwex and ENJO would argue fiercely that their products are higher quality and more importantly, anti-bacterial. I don't doubt that, but I couldn't believe that they would have the exclusive patent on that, and that I couldn't find something comparable for cheaper and easier to simply pick up and buy.
In the meantime, I picked up several microfibre cloths from the dollar store, and when we took apart our FILTHY windows last fall, I used one wet cloth to wipe all of the dirt, cobwebs, etc off, then wiped the windows well again with the rinsed out wet cloth, and then shined them with a dry cloth. The windows gleamed! I did the same with mirrors and household surfaces and every thing shone beautifully - no chemicals required.
I was still on the lookout though for that 'antibacterial' edge to a microfibre cloth. While shopping in Home Sense a while back, I found my answer.
Enter the E-cloth, antibacterial cloth.
Reasonably priced, and there for the buying - no party required! Since then, I have seen them in Winners as well - although they do seem to get snatched up quickly and are often out of stock! (I have also seen them in a natural health store, but twice the price!).
And so I leave you to do your own research. I know we have made several trips to our city's hazardous waste disposal services to do away with most of the chemicals in our home and I have proven to myself that I don't need them - for both the sake of our health, our environment, and our pocketbook!
I had read about a couple of miracle cleaning cloths but my search to find and order them left me frustrated.
One such product is ENJO, whose website makes this statement,
"We believe you need to see ENJO products work in your own home, on your own dirt. By showing you the products in the comfort of your own home, you can truly understand their benefits and learn more about what ENJO can do for YOU."
Sooooooo. Even though I can watch a complete demo video on their website, they must believe I cannot make an informed decision on my own to decide I just want to buy it, nor do they give me the tools to buy it online or on the telephone! No, I need to find someone who is hosting a party that I must attend and we all know how obliged you feel - even with 'no pressure' when you attend these little parties - with no offense intended to those who are involved with ENJO. But ....there are no prices that I could find on the website and really......can we just not admit that this is more about building the ENJO business by recruiting consultants? I have no doubt it's a great company and a great product - but likely well overpriced. I wanted the cloth NOW, so I left ENJO to search elsewhere.
I also checked out Norwex, which has a similar anti bacterial product called the Enviro cloth. Again, it's all about the process, and finding a representative in my area took forever on the internet so I gave up.
Frankly, all of these cloths are microfibre cloths which are sweeping stores like a storm....and can be readily found in dollar stores. I'm sure that Norwex and ENJO would argue fiercely that their products are higher quality and more importantly, anti-bacterial. I don't doubt that, but I couldn't believe that they would have the exclusive patent on that, and that I couldn't find something comparable for cheaper and easier to simply pick up and buy.
In the meantime, I picked up several microfibre cloths from the dollar store, and when we took apart our FILTHY windows last fall, I used one wet cloth to wipe all of the dirt, cobwebs, etc off, then wiped the windows well again with the rinsed out wet cloth, and then shined them with a dry cloth. The windows gleamed! I did the same with mirrors and household surfaces and every thing shone beautifully - no chemicals required.
I was still on the lookout though for that 'antibacterial' edge to a microfibre cloth. While shopping in Home Sense a while back, I found my answer.
Enter the E-cloth, antibacterial cloth.
Reasonably priced, and there for the buying - no party required! Since then, I have seen them in Winners as well - although they do seem to get snatched up quickly and are often out of stock! (I have also seen them in a natural health store, but twice the price!).
And so I leave you to do your own research. I know we have made several trips to our city's hazardous waste disposal services to do away with most of the chemicals in our home and I have proven to myself that I don't need them - for both the sake of our health, our environment, and our pocketbook!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Better than chocolate
I'm amazed by my husband at times.
He knows that healthy food has been my pursuit for quite some time now and to that end he gave me a very thoughtful Valentine's gift - a beautiful bouquet made out of fruit. With just a touch of chocolate on the strawberries!
This gift is a close second to the toilet I got for Valentine's Day ....which is also a great gift if you eat a lot of fruit!
If we have a thoughtful someone in our lives, we are reminded of our appreciation of them at Valentine's Day. I'm reminded that almost one year ago, my husband rode an ambulance to the hospital with some very scary symptoms and remained there for several very long days while every test in the book was run on him. We are so grateful he is fine with no residual affects. In those moments of not knowing, I wrote here about the starry sky I looked up into and pondered our mortality.
We dare not 'cling' to our loved ones but instead, love and cherish them each day we have.
Even if we think we are 'alone', all of us have a Special Someone in our lives whether we are aware of Him or not. I am grateful beyond words and amazed by a love that is so wide.......and so great.
He knows that healthy food has been my pursuit for quite some time now and to that end he gave me a very thoughtful Valentine's gift - a beautiful bouquet made out of fruit. With just a touch of chocolate on the strawberries!
![]() |
Incredible Edibles |
This gift is a close second to the toilet I got for Valentine's Day ....which is also a great gift if you eat a lot of fruit!
If we have a thoughtful someone in our lives, we are reminded of our appreciation of them at Valentine's Day. I'm reminded that almost one year ago, my husband rode an ambulance to the hospital with some very scary symptoms and remained there for several very long days while every test in the book was run on him. We are so grateful he is fine with no residual affects. In those moments of not knowing, I wrote here about the starry sky I looked up into and pondered our mortality.
We dare not 'cling' to our loved ones but instead, love and cherish them each day we have.
Even if we think we are 'alone', all of us have a Special Someone in our lives whether we are aware of Him or not. I am grateful beyond words and amazed by a love that is so wide.......and so great.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
If I had $150.00
If I had $150.00 (plus tax and shipping and handling...) to blow and nothing more important to spend it on....
if only for the entertainment value.....
I'd buy this.....
but I don't....
so I won't.
if only for the entertainment value.....
I'd buy this.....
but I don't....
so I won't.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
What's your tatoo?
Don't you feel bad for those people who are in a lasting relationship who get a tatoo with their lover's name on it?
And then it doesn't work out?
Painful enough getting the tatoo....much more painful for the breakup.....and now to get the tatoo removed....ouch!
The girl to whom my son is engaged to marry has a tatoo on her wrist with the name of her first love on it - and it's not my son's name. Will she have it removed? I pray she never...never....never does, and that she keeps her devotion to her first love all the days of her life.
There is no one who is as committed to or loves us more than this Jesus - God the Father became one of us to get our attention - to let us know that His thoughts are continually on us and His love for us is unending. Really......why would we NOT want Him? Why would we 'break up' with the most profound love there is?
I recently watched a video clip featured at Big Ear Creations and haven't been able to stop thinking about what was said towards the end of the clip. I share it at the end of this post. It is of Charles Stanley, a pastor explaining a moment, even after years of being in ministry, that he finally 'got' that he was profoundly loved by God. We can hear it all our lives and still not get it.
I will tell you that in my own life, I only remember one time that my parents hugged me and told me that they loved me - and that was because leaving my teenage years I finally couldn't stand another moment of living in a home where love was never expressed in any manner. I just typed that last sentence easily, but I can tell you that the years of turmoil, emotion, and the impact of a somewhat dysfunctional family (as well meaning and wonderful as my parents still were) is something I can't begin to tell. I don't blame them - I know they loved me but had difficulty ever expressing it. I'm sure they had their own stories, but they never told them. I'm glad that they are now experiencing being perfectly loved in the presence of their Creator. I wouldn't give up for anything the struggles I fought in that stage of my life and still battle at times, because it has caused me to cling to my Heavenly Father with everything within me. We all need to 'get' that we really are loved. But even imperfect human love is not enough.
We were lovingly and thoughtfully created in hopes that we would respond and love the One who knows us completely.
He first loved us before we loved Him. It's a healing love.And once seen through a heart that truly wants Him, it changes everything. He comes to live where He's welcomed.
That's a love I'd be a fool to ever break up with.
And then it doesn't work out?
Painful enough getting the tatoo....much more painful for the breakup.....and now to get the tatoo removed....ouch!
The girl to whom my son is engaged to marry has a tatoo on her wrist with the name of her first love on it - and it's not my son's name. Will she have it removed? I pray she never...never....never does, and that she keeps her devotion to her first love all the days of her life.
There is no one who is as committed to or loves us more than this Jesus - God the Father became one of us to get our attention - to let us know that His thoughts are continually on us and His love for us is unending. Really......why would we NOT want Him? Why would we 'break up' with the most profound love there is?
"But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul."I think the last part of that verse which I underlined is where too many of us miss out. Rather than being relentless in pursuing Him for a lifetime (because though we find Him, there is so much more of His love to discover), we either search in all the wrong places, aren't willing to give up anything in the process, or we almost want Him to do all the work - strike us with some divine bolt of lightning to 'prove' Himself to us and give us what we think we need. That is at the very least, arrogant of us. When Jesus walked here and raised people from the dead before their very eyes, some people still wouldn't believe the undeniable evidence because at the root of it, for whatever reasons, they didn't want HIM. He gave everything He could laying down His life - even to the ones who didn't want Him. Do we cherish that and want to love Him with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind - 'tatooing' Him to us for all time, so to speak? It's that longing for Him with everything within us that will carry us through the wilderness times in our life - the hard times when things don't go as we planned, or we lose a loved one, feel abandoned, or depressed. He is the Rock we can depend on. He doesn't change in spite of our ups and downs.
I recently watched a video clip featured at Big Ear Creations and haven't been able to stop thinking about what was said towards the end of the clip. I share it at the end of this post. It is of Charles Stanley, a pastor explaining a moment, even after years of being in ministry, that he finally 'got' that he was profoundly loved by God. We can hear it all our lives and still not get it.
I will tell you that in my own life, I only remember one time that my parents hugged me and told me that they loved me - and that was because leaving my teenage years I finally couldn't stand another moment of living in a home where love was never expressed in any manner. I just typed that last sentence easily, but I can tell you that the years of turmoil, emotion, and the impact of a somewhat dysfunctional family (as well meaning and wonderful as my parents still were) is something I can't begin to tell. I don't blame them - I know they loved me but had difficulty ever expressing it. I'm sure they had their own stories, but they never told them. I'm glad that they are now experiencing being perfectly loved in the presence of their Creator. I wouldn't give up for anything the struggles I fought in that stage of my life and still battle at times, because it has caused me to cling to my Heavenly Father with everything within me. We all need to 'get' that we really are loved. But even imperfect human love is not enough.
We were lovingly and thoughtfully created in hopes that we would respond and love the One who knows us completely.
He first loved us before we loved Him. It's a healing love.And once seen through a heart that truly wants Him, it changes everything. He comes to live where He's welcomed.
That's a love I'd be a fool to ever break up with.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Don't count on it
Speaking of wasting time.....the other day I was perusing Facebook :-)
I was 'encouraged' to 'reconnect' with an old friend. Curious, I clicked on that friend's name......curious, because sadly......that friend is no longer with us on this earth. Her Facebook page is frozen in time from the last day she was on it two years ago. Her 'wall' is filled with recent postings from friends and family who miss her terribly as time marches on. She left too early, suddenly and without warning, in her early twenties.
Reviewing the year 2010 in the newspapers is another poignant reminder that too many left early from this journey called life - many at a young age.
I don't say all this to be morbid. Quite the opposite.
I encourage you to give every day your utmost attention to live it to the fullest - every day you've been given.
For me personally, that means letting God be first and foremost in my life.....and focusing on what gives lasting results and makes a difference both during and after this life. Even though people will say, 'follow your heart - do what feels right to you', that statement always brings me back to the Bible's wisdom that says you can't trust your heart!!! Trusting our heart is what more often gets us in trouble!
Instead, we are directed to lay up what is most important to us - our treasures - in heaven where it lasts forever. If that which is most important to us is not eternal, it's time to evaluate why we consider it our 'treasure'. It leaves me needing to determine daily what is most important in my life in each decision I make, word I speak, and action I take. And those decisions, words, and actions impact many, many people - like ripples or waves across the water when a ship passes by.
Eternity is a whole lot longer than the 2 - 25 - 50 - 70 - 90 years we might be allotted. So start your savings account now, depositing daily where it matters, and you will be richer than you can ever imagine.
To remind me, this picture hangs in our bathroom:
This additional reminder now graces our corner kitchen nook:
I leave you with a song by Chris Rice, which the first time I heard it on his CD which I had purchased, I played it over continuously at least 25-30 times - and now at least a couple of times on my birthday or New Years Day. I'm weird like that when I want to infuse lyrics into my soul. Enjoy......and play it as many times as you like!
I was 'encouraged' to 'reconnect' with an old friend. Curious, I clicked on that friend's name......curious, because sadly......that friend is no longer with us on this earth. Her Facebook page is frozen in time from the last day she was on it two years ago. Her 'wall' is filled with recent postings from friends and family who miss her terribly as time marches on. She left too early, suddenly and without warning, in her early twenties.
Reviewing the year 2010 in the newspapers is another poignant reminder that too many left early from this journey called life - many at a young age.
I don't say all this to be morbid. Quite the opposite.
I encourage you to give every day your utmost attention to live it to the fullest - every day you've been given.
For me personally, that means letting God be first and foremost in my life.....and focusing on what gives lasting results and makes a difference both during and after this life. Even though people will say, 'follow your heart - do what feels right to you', that statement always brings me back to the Bible's wisdom that says you can't trust your heart!!! Trusting our heart is what more often gets us in trouble!
Instead, we are directed to lay up what is most important to us - our treasures - in heaven where it lasts forever. If that which is most important to us is not eternal, it's time to evaluate why we consider it our 'treasure'. It leaves me needing to determine daily what is most important in my life in each decision I make, word I speak, and action I take. And those decisions, words, and actions impact many, many people - like ripples or waves across the water when a ship passes by.
Eternity is a whole lot longer than the 2 - 25 - 50 - 70 - 90 years we might be allotted. So start your savings account now, depositing daily where it matters, and you will be richer than you can ever imagine.
To remind me, this picture hangs in our bathroom:
This additional reminder now graces our corner kitchen nook:
I leave you with a song by Chris Rice, which the first time I heard it on his CD which I had purchased, I played it over continuously at least 25-30 times - and now at least a couple of times on my birthday or New Years Day. I'm weird like that when I want to infuse lyrics into my soul. Enjoy......and play it as many times as you like!
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