Monday, August 23, 2010

Mr Bean: Ya missed him

Mr Bean makes me laugh most times. That's probably an indication of my intelligence level.

Have you seen the one where he's in the church service trying to stay awake and attempting to fit in with what the others are doing and singing? Ya gotta laugh....particularly if you've been in some of those kinds of services.

Unfortunately, the hymn used in that clip is a beautiful one. I refuse to let the memory of Mr Bean ruin it for me when I hear it!

Now, we don't sing hymns much in our church any more. They have gone by the wayside with the organ. But this past Sunday we sang that hymn that Mr Bean tried to sing. I'm happy to say, I blocked Mr Bean out of my conscience entirely and drank in the words of that hymn. They speak everything that I live and breathe about my Creator. I wonder at times if too many of us are as self-absorbed and oblivious to God as Mr Bean was in that clip (and likely most of that audience with him!).

God is referred to as the 'Father'. To some of us, He either doesn't exist....we don't care or aren't sure He exists.....or we think of Him as a distant entity out there somewhere that might respond to desperate pleas, and we hope that if there's a heaven, one day we'll make it there.

Jesus is the 'Son'. Most understand that he was an actual historical figure that lived and breathed, had a lot of influence, and died. Whether we believe he was actually God and is our Saviour....that is our choice.

But what about that '3rd' part of the Trinity that we read about in the Bible? The Holy Spirit. We often forget about Him. He's the one that Jesus said would be with us when he left the earth.  He would be our Counsellor, would teach us all the things Jesus had said. Jesus was exiting the scene, but he wasn't going to leave us on our own. He was leaving his Spirit with us to be close to us and mediate to the Father for us. That's a pretty cool deal.

Most of us are looking for someone who is completely trustworthy, is there for us when we need them, loves us unconditionally, and understands the deepest parts of us. Hello? That one we need is here with us - closer than our breath - and offers much more than a human being ever could. He speaks into the deepest part of us...confirming the mysteries of a Creator's love on a personal level. He may not be the wind.....but I can see his affects in my life and in those around me. I don't want to become indifferent to his presence or unresponsive to him - ever. Really, why would I not want someone who loves me that completely?

Here's that hymn for your listening pleasure - All Creatures of Our God and King - as sung by the David Crowder band. And....because Mr Crowder doesn't 'let loose' in it as he is capable of ....I have added a second link with another of his tunes. If you are a person who is getting to know your Creator, your heart can soar while you listen. The third link is the funkier version - definitely no organ.

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