Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ducks Unlimited

Early this evening I was filming the robin activity on the front porch. I am planning on updating and sharing the pictures and videos I've been taking of them, but haven't had too much time to compile anything.......although here is one picture from today as an update of how the babies look now. They are rapidly growing, eyes are open, and fuzz is appearing.

During a camera session, I was not prepared for what I turned my head and saw out the front door.

There, waddling right down the middle of this bird-lover's road was a mother duck and 8 baby ducklings following her in a row. I froze and thought I was seeing things as they disappeared behind our parked car. Sure enough, they appeared on the other side and continued their trek down the cul-de-sac. I wrestled my camera off the tripod, threw on my shoes, and scurried after them down the street.
Now you need to understand I live in a city. Yes, we have a river, but I live no where near it. This is the first time I've seen a duck in a place where there are no bodies of water, other than backyard ponds and pools. Where on earth does this Mother plan to raise her babies in our neighbourhood....which is shared with plenty of dogs and cats? Apparently a neighbour had caught sight of Mom and babies on the cover of their swimming pool.

I truly hope they will be okay. You know me by now. I'm thinking up ways to make my property attractive to ducks so I can have plenty of photo shots of them growing up in the neighbourhood. Can't keep them in the back yard with the dog. Could set something up in the front side yard, away from the protective robins. I've asked my husband if we can flood the front yard and make it into a marsh. He said okay..........but I don't think he meant it.

Here's some more pictures. I hope to see them again for more shots!

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