Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is there a better country?

I hate war. Who doesn't?

We could argue the politics...the morality....the horrors of war. My heart nearly stopped as I watched the 'shock and awe' of the Iraq war - knowing behind each blast were families of innocent people being wiped out in a moment of time and the infrastructure of their country destroyed. Was anything worth that cost?

War is so much different now than it was in the days of the First and Second World Wars. We do not always know where the enemy is - there is not necessarily an obvious battlefield.

All of the politics aside, on this November 11th Remembrance Day, I have paused to reflect on our Canadian soldiers and the sacrifices they have given, and continue to give. I may pause for a moment on this day, but those who have lost family military members must vividly remember every day...every hour.

Canada now has a thoughtful way to help us remember on more than just Remembrance Day. If a Canadian soldier falls, rather than being buried overseas as in the past, they are escorted home to travel along the Highway of Heroes in Ontario. Traffic on the busy highway is slowed as motorists consumed in their own busy lives are suddenly faced with a stark reminder that their freedom was bought by one such as this who is now carried past them - whose voice has now been silenced, yet their lives speak volumes. Crowds of Canadians with Canadian flags stand for hours in all kinds of weather on overpasses along that highway to silently salute the soldier as he or she passes beneath each bridge....each one honoured for their ultimate sacrifice. I wish that we have seen the last of those motorcades.

Our country of Canada is not one that has faced invasion or needed to defend itself. Rather, it chooses to go to places of unrest in the world.....fighting if necessary....but trying to rebuild, befriend and assist people in need whose countries have been ravaged by war and ruthless oppression. We have lost too many in the quest to do so.

We are a country of peace and freedom.  And we go with the mission of restoring peace and freedom in other nations.

Whether our troops should be away from home or not.....

they are.....

and today we salute these heroes and support them in their efforts.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Lyn! Here in Britain the soldiers are also returned home from Afghanistan for burial, and the community the cavalcade travels through from the air base is always lined with people paying their respects. I think it is wonderful that this was a spontaneous expression of respect with the first returnees, and has been continued with every one since.
