Back in February when we had been in a deep freeze for far too long, my husband randomly suggested that we just drop everything and leave for a warm, tropical vacation. It didn't take much to convince me, so we just went.

What a wonderful relief from the bitter cold! Warm...steamy....refreshing waterfalls...tropical plants....colorful birds.....beautiful butterflies.
Yah....... me, birds, butterflies, warmth, water and plants.....that's heaven right there.
It was absolutely wonderful. I let every moment sink in as my bones drank in the warmth they so craved.
Then after about 3 hours we came home.
Actually, the vacation was less than an hour's drive and cost under 25 bucks for the two of us. You guessed it. A butterfly conservatory. I highly recommend this mini vacation when you just need some warmth and beauty.
Mind you, when we walked back outside into the -25C temperatures, my husband remarked that we'd probably get a cold because of the drastic shock to our systems. I assured him that was all an old wive's tale because colds come from viruses. Three days later....I was flat out in bed for the next three days with a miserable cold.
But as I shut out the world and cocooned under the blankets to recover, (can't say I emerged as something beautiful), I still felt it was totally worth it to have gone on our mini vacation!
Remember what the birds know....warm weather is coming.
Make yourself a hot cup of tea, wrap yourself up in a nice warm blanket, and enjoy the show....
(Click on it for a closer view)