'Tis the season for red ribbons........on packages decorated with love.
There is a particularly important red ribbon....a thread, if you will. It's been here forever though you may not have noticed it. It has woven its way through eons of time. It was present when life breathed warmth and beauty into a cold, shapeless earth. I find that red thread when I search diligently through the pages of the Bible. The scriptures were written over a 1600 year span by over 40 authors, on 3 continents, and in 3 languages, yet the thread still runs cohesively throughout. In each book, regardless of what era of time it was written in, the thread is there...the 'type'...the 'picture'...the promise....of Immanuel.
'Immanuel' means 'God with us'.
He came to be with us.
Ultimate plan.
Ultimate sacrifice.
Ultimate love.
I revel in the Christmas season because it reassures me of hope. He has woven the red ribbon of His love through my heart as I have handed it to Him. There is far more than just this temporary life. He's been planning it through the ages. There's so much more awaiting us because of His promise. No matter what, He is with me.
Joy to the world!
The Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing!!
The Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King!
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven and nature sing,
And heaven, and heaven, and nature sing!!