'Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks....' lalala lalalalalala.............
I think that was a ballgame we went to today. The Toronto BlueJays put on a lacklustre performance, but at least they won. We missed the one and only run of the game...through a series of unfortunate events we didn't make it to the Roger's Centre until the top of the 4th inning! In less than 2 hours, we were leaving again. But nothing tops the ballgame we went to when our kids were much younger....
It started with a police officer pulling us over for speeding when we'd detoured to a suburb to get some gas. The nice officer let us off with a warning. We only missed the top of the first inning...but believe it or not the Jays were already losing by 13-0! They hadn't even been up to bat yet!!! Other late comers around us were incredulous at the score. It was a premonition for the rest of the day I think.

Our kids had each brought a friend. My son's friend ate an entire large bag of popcorn slathered in butter. Suddenly.... he ejected his stomach's contents all over a spectator who sat directly in front of him! I will spare you a descriptive picture of that scene. You've never seen people clear a section of seating so quickly! Staff at the (then named) Skydome were kind enough to present the poor recipient of the 'chunky' (sorry) shower with a free T-shirt as he went to the washroom to change. He was thankfully very patient with the whole thing. It was good for my son to see the cleanup crew in action at the Dome so he won't pursue that as a full-time career. No one sat anywhere near us after that. We left soon after. There was obviously no hope for the Jays...I have forgotten the final score. The ride home was not much better. Our poor sick little friend threw up into a bag all the loooong way home....while my daughter and her friend (and us!) thought that trip would never end!
So hey, today was not so bad at all! It was a beautiful day and we took advantage after the game by visiting a park we've come to love in Toronto. Here's some snaps. Enjoy. And a little advice? Never eat popcorn at a ballgame. It don't look too good if you se
e it again.

Oh, Lyn...that was hysterical..though I'm sure it was not at all funny at the time.
ReplyDeleteBaseball is fun, isn't it? Even if our favorite team is losing, the games are so much fun. And yes, Toronto beat up on the Yankees quite badly last night.