We worked on getting the new pre-formed pond in place and some of the rocks moved, but we ran out of time, as nothing stops my husband from going to the gym every night. So there is still a mess of rocks and stuff everywhere that we hope to get back in place tomorrow. He left, and I moved the old pond liner around the corner to the end of the driveway. I suddenly jumped as a very loud 'chirp' rang out from behind the gas meter. Poor Chip! I had frightened him as he waited in there for us to vacate the garden. I can't believe such a loud noise is possible from such a tiny rodent!
I purposely went in the house to give Chip enough time to get back to the garden before dusk and get another entrance dug to his home. Alas, he did not return. Poor baby. Uprooted.... surrounded by the unfamiliar .... future unknown... deathly afraid....and alone.
Ever been there? Not behind the gas meter....but feeling frighteningly alone, even if there are others around? You've had the rug pulled out from under you. The comfortable and familiar have taken wings and flown, and you are left in a cold place you've not been before. You don't know where to go from here. You sit paralyzed...and you wait.
I wish I could make Chip understand that everything's okay. I have plans for that pond and garden that he can't see right now....but it will provide all that he needs and be even better than he's ever known. He can be brave, step around the obstacles that are there right now, and begin to build again. He can sleep in peace tonight because something better is just around the corner. I tell you....I learn more from chipmunks and my garden than you can imagine!
"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe." Psalm 4:8
(From the Bible - New Living Translation)