Zechariah was a prophet guy who wrote what we now call...ironically....the book of Zechariah in the Bible. Five hundred years before Jesus appeared on the scene in Bethlehem, Zechariah wrote....
A donkey's colt?? A king?? Come on now. Let's have a king ride in on a white stallion. He's the hero. The king that saves the day!"Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey - even on a donkey's colt."
Fast forward 500 years. Jesus is travelling towards Jerusalem and he sends two on ahead into a little village and tells them that they will find a donkey's colt there that has never been ridden. Untie it and bring it here. And no...he hadn't text messaged ahead to see if the beast of burden might be there waiting. In fact the owners of the colt were a little unnerved at these two untying their donkey.....but they let them have their animal when these two repeated what Jesus had told them to say.
Crowds were always following Jesus. Who would have known that the entire city of Jerusalem would be stirred on this one particular day that he visited....riding on a donkey's colt. The reaction to him was amazing. Treated him like a king.
How very different the next days ahead would be. Sitting on the colt and approaching the city of Jerusalem, Jesus wept.
Many more prophecies were yet to be fulfilled, written long before Zechariah. It was an incredibly difficult road ahead for Jesus.
I wouldn't have written it this way.
Turns out though....the whole Book's a best seller...and the ending is priceless!